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Tring Tring, It's a CRORE Now!

Writer: Joel WordsmithJoel Wordsmith

The covid break got me thinking a bunch of stuff.

How streamlined destruction takes form, in a bunch of crumb trails to the mouse trap. While you may assume the road gets brighter and brighter, it does, but not as you think. Rather painfully, like a metamorphosis of a butterfly from his predecessor, the caterpillar, provided you don't stay a caterpillar and make decisions in compliance with your own vision and not another man's will for your life. With a lot of anguish it dies to make way for its higher-self. Breaking the cyclic loop of a hellish hamster wheel. Taking you from weakness to weakness.

I found no other role fitting me than to be a human-glitch in the system.

I don't settle for paying an EMI on everything I want to own, yet not truly owning anything and being a slave to the object I was sold.

For example: An average MBA from a tier 1 institute in our nation costs 18 lakhs. Which means 18 lakhs for your tuition fees and 18 lakhs to support your expenses while you're apparently 'upskilling yourself'. Provided you get accepted by this apparently esteemed university.

Basic math says you're now in a 36-lakh deficit paying an interest on a loan, if you have taken one. Which breaks it to about 40 lakhs for this hole in your pocket that portals its way to your bank account.

Then the regular superficial garb (garb is our household slang for garbage) — the fake functions that you got to show up for, with gifts for people whose life you don't care about and who wish nothing but the worst for you yet faking a smile to your face. All you can think about is how you're going to pay off these pay stubs that keep piling on. It's an internal whisper trying to defeat you.

By now you're close to 50 lakhs in a deficit and you've finally been given a gig, an "internship" by the mega-machinery that runs the world. Yes, an internship. That could "possibly" turn into a job that in eons and light years could potentially pay off your piling up deficit bill you've been adding to by the day.

Oh, then they convert it into a job and you're barely 10 lakhs into paying that fund.

Nothing substantial, you're nearing your 30s.

Now, Pressure! Pressure! Pressure! Pressure!!
Lots and lots of Pressure!

Now, with this little toy of a job, that barely makes anything in the real scheme of things, other than a chimney whistle of black smoke called ‘experience’, you now have to arrange your own social dramas, act like a little uncle who's gotten it all together but is bleeding in loans like a knee hit with tube-lights.

Yet, ooh you're the man, winning.
Buying another house on another loan.

Ooh, what do I see there? Another 50 lakhs to your name.

Now you're touching 20 lakhs into paying the prior 50 lakh deficit, but you've added on 50 more.

Clap clap clap!

You've just been extorted through your own actions, by being coerced by this snarling dog of a machinery to steal from budding professionals.

Now that's a magic trick!

Your future? Poof, gone!

Tring tring tring! It's a CRORE now! A bunch of negatives for you and a plus for the treacherous portion of the Billionaires Boys Club.

Who knows, the blood, sweat and tears you've been sowing with, is now being drunk away on a yacht where you're nothing but one of the tribal, less-than-human souls, being laughed at?

Yes, you have a job, but you're especially seasoned in a perpetual cycle you've shut your eyes to. You know you're set up for failure, but you still bend to the music.

The 90's kids have careers decreed to death. Creatively being taxed the crap out of. A bullet to your future, a harness to never let you have a family and a functional life. Perfect stress levels to drink away and dance for the day, adding a bunch of more pennies to that accursed deficit of 80 lakhs to 1 crore into your 30s.

Thankfully, I discerned this game plan in motion early on. This looping and looming system can only be broken by rebellion.

1. I'm not going to spend on a worthless MBA. I have a free executive leadership certificate from apparently, a world-renowned conglomerate. If that's worth nothing, then nothing is worth anything - it's all an illusion.

2. I'm not going to entertain anyone I can't be vulnerable with. Small talk isn't going to get anyone anywhere, I want tight relationships, a clear conscience while I sleep at night. I don't wish to pet snakes, much less invite them for my family gatherings.

3. I decided we, as The Wordsmith's, are going to dedicate all our private resources into developing our skills by ourselves. The most ingenious professionals are the ones who are self-taught. What can secular education do that homeschooling can't? The only thing I learnt from college that propelled me to dominate and not be dominated is the word 'autonomous' attached to the name of my college. I thought to myself — What does that make me? A Slave? Hell, No. From today, I shall pursue autonomy. It got me quite far in the scheme of things.

4. Hit against the walls of the system and don't chase the crumb trail, it's a slope leading you down the glass cliff. Bankers and power players, feed on the unversed and gullible. There are many institutions selling a dream to poor households through online education’s these days. All to be cut off from the face of the earth.

I'm waging war on the system as I see our generation going down the drain, not having a sure footing, being set up to be called kids till we're 45.

I'm 26, and I'm heading straight at the walls of this vicious cyclic system. I've achieved much success by keeping naysayers out of my house and I'd love for more of the young generation to know we're the way of the future, we are the future, and our kids wouldn't want drunk and high parents, getting slapped around by tech-driven systems and cannibalistic banking practices.

I made a few mistakes back in college, throwing my cash for the future away onto some so-called ‘esteemed’ institutions.

Thankfully I let the money go and didn't return to my former folly and have been trying to outsmart it ever since.

Do something about your situation, about your sorry states rather than flowing with the tide to doomsday.

I'm cutting this invisible perpetual coiling serpent of debt and destruction coiling around me. No one can enslave anyone for Perpetuity, unless you stay compliant with your tail between your legs and don't do something about it.

Unrigging the Rigged,

My dear autonomous soul
// poetry

I got an escape
From an apocalypse growing up
Growing strong yes, unfazed,
Growing tough.
I saw a ladder take conspicuous form
Out of the pit I hurriedly lept,
Taking onto a Wordsmith's throne,
Into a royal ark's safety despite the depth.
It was quite scarring
Happy and gravitating
Tough to comprehend the erroneous one
Where loving was actually hating,
Where the emotional one was deemed a bum.
It was heavy on me
‘Cause I couldn't grasp the speed.
Didn't know I wouldn't be able to embrace,
The hour was to run indeed!
It was a deathly place that felt safe
'Cause Father was with me
Remember the pit I told you about?
A grave is now what I see.
He helped me,
Though I had nothing to pay
This world charges for everything
Post being taxed you're anyway slayed.
It's by his immense mercy I was saved
I thought I was the only one
But many like me
Who had their taxes waived!
I couldn't be more thankful
I thought that was life
I was going for a house of glass
Where the betraying buck would be my wife.
I wouldn't make it anywhere
Not how I grew to crash and burn
Thankfully He pulled me out of the pit
Thankfully He forced the turn!
It was a haze
Tough to measure all the space
My past life was deceitful
Left me with a cryptic story on my face.


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