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Image by Devin Pickell

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Abstract Colors 8
The Story of Joel to Zech
A stage name, is the spotlight circling around every artist unraveling his creative side.
An act should ideally visually represent the commitment and tenacity an artist exhibits during the form of expression he chooses to set ablaze his creative side. 
There's no act without an artist.
There's no artist without a stage name. 
Sit back, relax and ZechUp.


The Creative Rebellion
Rules Rules Rules. 
There are no protocols, no rules to follow while being creative. 
No formal course can break down the picturesque creative mind into a secret sauce, a secret formula.
You must break all formal rules to get creative. 

The Headliner
Ball Park Brain

Propaganda //

My mind's perfectly in my control, like the ball to my feet.

To control me, we've got to War it Out.

Away with your Rubbish Propaganda.

Cluster of Courage

A Cluster of Courage / Word Script

A Cluster of Courage 
Greatness intertwined the new normal, 
The human will can bend realities, 
Break ceilings and sculpt a new life. 

A cluster of courage
// poetry

Courageous cluster of grapes
Combustion at its peak in a treasure chest
Augmenting Confluence of adrenaline 
I summon my deepest energies at my behest

The secret ingredient to this Vertex 
A touch of the Supreme’s felicitous power
The human soul an ever-expansive juggernaut
You’d need many bazookas to faze this tower

You certainly can’t dexterously raze this tower
Reflexive poison behind alarmed petals of a flower
To keep going when fatally shot or stabbed 
Pestilence to many a weak, a singular cluster of poised power

The strongest memories a driving concentrate
Persistence a daily dash of salt 
The will to keep springing back up 
My heart a block of adamant asphalt

Taming the unyielding wilderness 
In novel strides I paved new roads 
Unrelenting stomping feet shake foundations
I see all forms of resistance hop off like toads.


Unfazed / Word Script

Unfazed through the dark

Looking for a Crack in the wall

Would grow it into a wide gate

Patiently waiting for destiny's call.


A commission ahead of me

Divine purpose to touch the sea floor.

Scale the beds of water in a breath

Keep knocking on the underwater door.


It's a breath from a bit

Drowning man with a pain in his chest

These overwhelming emotions are raging

Unfazed aiming for a treetop nest.


The water's lost its power

Don't drown with its enthralling vibe

Visualizing the circumstances to be weaker

The spiritual power of the Almighty I imbibe.


The depths of the sea

Always a slave to my Master Most High

Sometimes Unfazed I walk through water,

Sometimes Unfazed I fly.

Image by Annie Spratt
Image by Chris Lehr
Little Palm Tree
The Little Palm Tree.
Starring The Adventurously Bold as the Little Gritty and determined palm tree.
That doesn't go down without a fierce fight. 
The Ball - Depicting the ballistic missiles fired at the Adventures Bold for wanting to be free, in control of their lives.
Existing in the midst of chaos. Bring order to the disorderly malicious forces latching on. 
Letting these anchors and bottlenecking forces lose,
to effortlessly take flight. 
The Fearlessly Bold
A target on the map 
For all these Ballistic Missiles 
Grit worthy of a resounding clap 

Mastery and Artistry 
2 sides to the coin
Constantly flipping things 
The wise and collaborative shall join.
Image by Bro Takes Photos
Panache in the Flaws
Panache in the Flaws.
Face first flipping dive 
"The apparent lost cause"
"Picture perfect", an imaginary phenomenon
Authentic Panache lies in the Flaws 

A lot of work 
Fatigued bones and marrow
Eagle thoughts with dreamscape vision 
Underdog's Passe, I'm UnderSparrow.
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-25 at 12.53.34_c71b97a4.jpg
GliderBoy & Wife.
Work At Work.
Play At Home.

Be Different. Get Creative.
Make Work Meaningful. 

Don't confuse your LIFE with your existence

Happiness is intertwined with your life.
Existence is merely your basic Needs. 

A great monetary existence can never translate
into a great life. 

But a great Private Life other than work,
can season you to take on challenges at Work. 

Make Work Meaningful.
Don't quit.

Show up the Next Day. 
& Detox your workplace instead. 

Don't Just Exist. 
Image by mymind
WhatsApp Image 2024-01-19 at 14.56.17_58644aef.jpg
Magnetic Mind
Image by mymind
Magnetic Mind.

Magnanimous Magnet 
Shoot for the stars
Imprisoned traits in my DNA
Break open the bars.

The apple on my head 
Every idea given by grace 
Everything that's been done before 
The right lifts to a concept's face.

Hiatus for a bit 
Walking by the Book 
He rescued me from the Raging Waters 
Then let me off the hook.

Gradient Background
Image by Johann Walter Bantz
Gradient Background

Technical Knockout

TKO - Tech Knockout. Short Film. 

Name of the Game - Canceling out Noise. 

When you're on your upward climb, there arises a bunch of gravitational agents, taking it up to themselves to humble you, rather bury you in the ground, alive if possible. 

But the response shall always be: 

With Style, Finesse, we straight up ignore 'em. 

Team Steadfast is on the elevator to the top,

Tearing the ceiling, I encourage you to get onto your own elevator in whatever sphere of life, Keep at it. 

Use your haters heads as a footboard to your next dive into success, freedom and immense purpose. For the Creator. 

Arms at Ready. Lock In Fire. 
Mission Tech - Knockout. 

Contention to TKO 

Energizing Pain 
Some emotional stain 
Some would kill in an instant 
For some drink and grain 

Circle of Life 
Contention and strife 
A brutal internal brawling whisper 
Inciting me to be a cutthroat competitive knife


Staying out in the shadows
Letting the light shine instead 
Strangulation is commonplace at night 
I'm battle hardened on this potential deathbed. 

Cowardice crow
Raising eye and brow
Where contention ceases 
That's where one truly begins to grow.

not a blindfold

The horses adorning blinkers. The blinkers are tantamount to being hyper-focused. Set yourself free from the rigged platforms!

Potency of the Blinkers


The mighty horse

Graced in his blinkers.

Authentic views manifold,

No demoralizing force can with tinker.


Algorithm worshippers

Don't get anything profound in time

While you keep pleasing rigged platforms

They keep squeezing you like a lime.


AI can't write in spirit

Some generic jargons it can spin

Barely text to speech has been mastered

Let alone overblown technology from the bin.


Yet, the mediocre ones shall be done away with,

The one's who're overpowered by tech;

But the authentic-driven flesh and blood,

Will step on oppressive tech's neck.


The pattern of choices and consequences

Has precursored their end

To conspiracy theorists and apocalyptic tale-bearers,

Your hardened spirit don't you bend.

Wait, there's more on the blog

Click on the taxi to take a short ride  


Tring Tring


My dear autonomous soul


I got an escape

From an apocalypse growing up

Growing strong yes, unfazed

Growing tough.


I saw a ladder take conspicuous form
Out of the pit I hurriedly lept,
Taking onto a Wordsmith's throne
Into a royal ark's safety despite the depth


It was quite scarring

Happy and gravitating

Tough to comprehend the erroneous one

Where loving was actually hating,

Where the emotional one was deemed a bum.


It was heavy on me

‘Cause I couldn't grasp the speed.

Didn't know I wouldn't be able to embrace,

The hour was to run indeed!


It was a deathly place that felt safe

'Cause Father was with me

Remember the pit I told you about?

A grave is now what I see.


He helped me,

Though I had nothing to pay

This world charges for everything

Post being taxed you're anyway slayed.


It's by his immense mercy I was saved

I thought I was the only one

But many like me

Who had their taxes waived!


I couldn't be more thankful

I thought that was life

I was going for a house of glass

Where the betraying buck would be my wife.


I wouldn't make it anywhere

Not how I grew to crash and burn

Thankfully He pulled me out of the pit

Thankfully He forced the turn!


It was a haze

Tough to measure all the space

My past life was deceitful

Left me with a cryptic story on my face.


Tring Tring



Tring Tring

 WHAT IF???? 


What if?

What if
an artist forgets to paint... 
What if
a visionary's eyes begin to faint... 
What if 
the beauteous begin to fade...
What if 
the window of life begins to cascade...

What if 
My heart doesn't respond to my mind... 
What if
the Creator hadn't been so kind..

What if 
My voice starts to cease... 
What if 
My ease transcends to unease...

What if 
My spirit begins to fade out...
What if 
There was no clarity succeeding doubt...

What if 
Your swimmer-soul's eternally negative buoyant 
What if 
Your charm is anything but flamboyant...

What if
There's oblivion after Goodbye
What if
There's no constancy of purpose after you die

But there is. 


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