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The Last Twig for The Wordsmith's

Writer's picture: Anisha & Joel ~ A&JAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

My husband Joel had this beautiful vision that we captured in essence in the video linked here.

It’s called The Quest and it encapsulates our journey, our long sojourn to finding the Truth. Along the way, we were met with many blockages, stoppages and many claiming to be “that ultimate truth” we were looking for. But were absolute shams and vindictive brawls to say the least. We called them twigs — a lot of talk and elucidation, but NO substance whatsoever.

What we were looking for was the sure and unwavering Truth and we knew it was just ONE thing that we were anticipating, and so when things didn’t make sense from the end of these shoddy substandard substitutes, we pulled the plug and kept at our quest. We call this truth the steadfast staff — uncompromised, sturdy and a sure foundation to rely on.

To make your journey easier and to keep a written note of our ride to the Truth, I’d love to go on and elaborate in great detail on the very unpromising twigs we stumbled upon and also the ultimate indestructible footing of the resilient staff we found after MUCH seeking.

Read along.


We dedicatedly started looking for answers when covid hit the earth in 2019 and we had plenty of time at hand. However, there was a brief couple of months before that, when we were working on our business together that we started having a yearning to dig deep and build a strong faith-life.

That’s when the early indoctrination and soft influencing from our childhood courtesy the roman catholic church played a part.

The first and most obvious stop to seeking God for us was to go the route we were told as little kids. The exposure Joel and I had to catholicism was pretty heavy as we studied in catholic-run schools and colleges, and our families were heavily involved and influenced by the ways of this institution as they were brought up in it since their childhood too.

A strong disclaimer:

My husband was never convinced about the catholic church being the answer to the place where God could be found from the very beginning. He had a strong disinclination to this institution and was never convinced about its legitimacy from his early days. He always maintained - “It’s the closest place on earth where a man experiences a conniving institution that lives straight out of borrowed heat from an iron smelting furnace to experience death firsthand and feelings of strangulation for the soul”.

The catholic church to us is a very obsessive featherless bird trying to build a nest. It's a very fruitless and senseless bird, with punctured little egglets that have no hope to ever hatch, because of the poverty and oppression it lays on its imprisoned souls to help build its nest.

Flying like a mental crusader, it builds this deathly nest one twig at a time. These twigs are nothing but the faulty beliefs it looks to implant and inject into the inmates, to burn away fighting for a lost and perverted cause — the well-being of the catholic church.

This featherless bird barely has its act together but wants to be called “father”. It's always in other people's business, to see what it can lay hold of, in return for bauble and burial. The only thing it assures you, in my opinion, is apparently a burial, clap clap. But you're already a DEAD MAN WALKING when you're in the matrix of this pedophilic and ravenous institution.

By now this bird has spread its refuse all over this nest that it's quite literally begged, borrowed and stolen to build.

Shown the knife to many gullible and defenseless people to "surrender their all" willingly or get ready to resist some really panzee-priestly force.

Back to the story, we were running a dessert store out of a mall establishment and our sales were high on the weekends when families would venture out for a good time and our innovative dessert was a good option to try and frequent for the eager experiments of the pleasant holiday moods of the customers.

Now, this meant we could not attend the 'esteemed' Sunday services that the church held and so we would go for the same on Monday’s. A slow day for business as restaurant ventures know well from experience.

We were not very convinced of the ways of this institution and so we did not want to go all-out and treat it as preeminent and esteemed. We treated it just as it deserved, turns out in hindsight. Never the priority and sole focus of our lives because it turned out to be a sham as you will read.

The priest of the place would hound us regularly to show up for the services on the correct day for them, but we couldn’t care less. When we ignored his very persistent requests, he turned passive aggressive, and we didn’t understand why.

All we were seeking was to satisfy our souls, find answers, and discover the Truth, and this whole set-up was very snuffing out to the eager and excited Joel and I.

There were also repeated demands for offerings and collections in the name of god to “help the poor and needy” but from what we knew, all the money from the collections would head straight to the Vatican. And there was NO way to see how our money was being spent and who was benefiting from it.

Joel was not buying the “holier-than-thou” front put up by some thieves in a costume from the very beginning, as I said.

Something that was fishy during our time there was that a random man (who wasn’t a priest) was called in to speak two times a week. We now see it as him trying to “revv up” the audience and ignite a fire in the chests of everyone to adhere strongly to the catholic church’s ways and charter and offer them more “generosity”, but all his words were empty chitters making no sense.

So, before our departure from this great grand graveyard — also known as the catholic church, whose greedy eyes multiply as it sees you multiplying in any manner, we had this encounter with a revolutionary man, but in layman clothes. He entered in as an add-on session post the regular mass, spreading something known as "neo-catamitish” something something…don't exactly remember this explicitly perverse ploy. But you get the point.

This man echoed great blasphemies for 30-minutes straight, and the church placed some gatekeepers to enforce guilt on the one's leaving the church post a fruitless 1-hour of songs and idle chatter from a featherless bird. Among the many curious and gullible, we stayed to hear this new pawn from the pulpit.

Among the elderly and afraid catholics who wanted some sort of a salvation that they expected from this institution, we were one of the ahead-of-time couples who fast forwarded their catholic life to a rather mature stage. Post which most leave the earth altogether after being fleeced through fear in their 60s, but as for us, we just thankfully only died as catholics.

This man, however, as eager and accusational as he was, kept yapping about a bunch of new things that sound as familiar as the white of an egg.

He kept revving up the crowd for 30-minutes straight. He, his wife and a bunch of other people were his captives he brought about seeking for more people to imprison. Upon already finding this shady Monday tuning post the regular long slumbering mass, getting repetitive and monotonous, this weirdo in his 60s randomly learns that we were finding him fishy and just a catholic salesman on a deal.

He now began pointing out to me directly with his final pitch. Quite flabbergasted by his pointed interest in me among the elderly, I pushed away his not-so-subtle death note. Meaning, he asked me if I would want a —

"Basilica named after me?"

Even though I am quite an ambitious person, this one ambition did not come to mind while charting my life course, and so I did not know how to respond to an offer like that… He went on to add —

“…if I were potentially canonized as a saint by the church”.

I laughed as I was creeped out by his random specific address. I responded rather uncertain about this weirdo's motives and pitches to greatness. He then said, after you're done with your boyfriend girlfriend stuff, you can move on to more important things, and then went on with his generic speech uttering blasphemies. Like Bollywood movies randomly break into song and dance, the catholic church randomly breaks into "Who wants to be a SAINT?!." — a career post death makes perfect sense!

I didn't find this joker funny, 'cause I saw him very well-placed with a wife, yet accusational about me having my better-half accompany me so that a predator like him doesn't get to isolate me like the other young boys. Yet worse, things were progressing to a more concrete level with him offering us to join “A WEEKEND CAMP” and he especially required attendance from my wife and myself. I saw this as yet another futile distraction from my business.

Already not leaving my work for the merry masses on Sunday, this bizarre request put a stop to the Monday Merry-go round visits too.

This man wanted more people to join his bandwagon of bandits and I quite certainly made up my mind. Taking counsel with my wife we decided to drive away post the Monday mass, and not give this crook a moment of our time.

This uncostumed and uncultured sermon was way worse than the costumed and featherless one preceding it.

When the final hymn humming defeat into our heads, a low-vibing choir of clobbering of the following week was done, we sped up to return to business as usual, but we're abruptly stopped by this crooks' bandits placed near the door blocking an effective and seamless exit for a nonchalant passerby couple not buying the catholic sob stories of defeat and death. A random stranger and doorkeeper for this mission said with a creepy smile, "Please stay". I glared at him saying, "Got to go, mate".

Seeing us not yielding to the guilt he said something cultish, tightening his fist saying "Courage!".

Looking back, I say to that, courage in the wrong direction will get you killed mate. Never returning to this soiled nest built with twigs of deception.

I think the final straw as to how we stopped any and all association with the catholic church was when it was the December holiday of the church. During this time, we were pestered constantly to participate as a business for the “Festival Bazaar” and put up a stall right outside the church. We found this disgusting and quite absurd as we were fairly acquainted with the christian bible by then which had a passage on “overthrowing money-changers practicing business in the temple courts” and we thought if this place had anything remotely to do with God, we would not want to participate in this rebellious revelry for the sake of coin. We passed.

That’s how we disassociated completely from this sheeply and shopply institution that calls everyone "evil" who chooses to not pass a buck to them.

To summarize:

This institution promises you the security and assurance of a community, the luxury of a burial — the pleasure of suffering together with the herd — but takes all you got in the bargain. All your time, all your money, and all your peace of mind every weekend where they sing a bunch of hymns, read a few select passages, and feed you with the thinnest cracker of bread and leave you dumbfounded as to what exactly happened, before you know it and you’re back there next Sunday.

A mighty pass from the Wordsmith's.


Next arrived their counterparts, the one’s rebelling against the catholic church but holding on to all their ways of worship, days of celebration, and charter, minus the worshiping of idols. But they cling to the cross even in that only distinctive trait they possess.

This is even trickier, as you think you’re saved because this bunch knows and is well versed with the christian/catholic scriptures and can quote you verses at random and reason out your doubts using that mode. But quoting verses does not mean a thing when you quote it as a spell or as an overtly rehearsed recitation by a 6-year-old.

We came across this roadblock during the covid break as we both were active Instagram users and many pages were posting individual verses of hope, faith and encouragement, which at that time and stage of our walk, we had an affinity to.

But eventually, the encouragement started sounding louder than the foundation of the Truth and we could not resonate with the “uplifting motivation” anymore as it seemed empty and devoid of any strong backing.

Lot of emphasis on:

  • "grace grace grace"

  • accept JC as your personal lord and savior

  • if you believe in your heart you are saved

  • have faith…

  • don’t seek to be justified by the law

  • boldly approach the throne of grace

  • turn the other cheek

  • love your enemy

You cannot argue or have a conversation with someone who staunchly believes in christianity/protestantism because they will quote you verses from the “New Testament” which they are completely brainwashed by.

Additionally, by calling yourself “protestants” it’s a nice way to glow up the catholic church again by making it the epicenter of all rebellions, like they are the main body and everything else is going against their structure and embodying their own charter by living off the crumbs of the catholic church.

To summarize:

You cannot stand or protest against a cause and then embrace their very ways with added trifles of very minor differences but maintaining the very same religion on the spectrum. Another pass from us.

Regarding the overall vision, the freeloading roman catholic church quite audaciously waltz in asking for “nothing much” but:

  1. Your money

  2. Your property

  3. Your child or your children.

Quite a thankless pursuit to support the greedy body, ain’t it?

Post stripping you off the last of the oils on your skin, it leaves with you with a panzee pulpit directive of, consider it pure joy to suffer and what not! How can we not see it?! Mind control and repetitive Sunday programming is a real thing!

All for what? To grow this poisonous tree with many creepers called the roman catholic church. The tree of death!

Then arrived our very first introduction to the amalgamation of Judaism and catholicism/christianity — which is "Messianic Judaism".

Messianic Judaism, also known as “Messing Around Using Judaism”.

Our full read for this off-shoot segment can be read here.

This one very cleverly crafted branch out of the catholic church has been quite effective in being a long-term bulwark resisting the way to completely breaking free from the clutches of this Roman lie.

This offers you the complete freedom and comfort to keep your familiar ways of christianity with just the added nuances of some Torah infusion and sells you on a comfortable tale of benefitting from two coins of the same world.


Urghh. This counterfeit wasted so much of our time and left us on a road hunt to connecting, decrypting and associating madness with insanity.

This is a downward spiral into the dark abyss that has no end to the logic it can strike and will try to masterly extinguish any question you may have with some half-baked answers, beating around the bush.

When you are still not buying their flawed elucidations, they will start mauling the catholic church and its ways to buy your trust and keep you attached to their loins.

We were stuck in this phase for years to say the least, but once we realized the truth of how this claiming to be rebellious lot is indeed just on a backhanded handshake deal with the catholic church to spot the ones breaking free from the money-plates and shackles, we left with all our might saying goodbye to any and all associations with religion as a whole.

To bring the point home:

This brawl of a doctrine lures you in with the keyword “Torah-observance” and that’s just what you’ll be doing. “Observing” the Torah from afar as you are swung back and forth, mostly forth, to abrupt spurts of the newly invented testament time and again on a quest to connecting and decrypting. Please save your time and skip this one mighty entangling mess.


Then there were the small-time twigs along the way consisting of:

  • YouTube pastors/teachers

  • Instagram motivational pages

  • Worship music in English, Hebrew, Aramaic and any and all tongues

  • Theological books with catchy headings but devoid of the truth in entirety

This is a short list to encompass the fast-food choices for faith that the institutions offer to keep you nice and warm on the surface, but not offering you the blazing furnace of the truth as it is.

The YouTube pastors, all decked up, speak a very different narrative, mostly prosperity and motivation, to revv the audiences up and shower them with empty words and made-up fables to keep them hooked to their page and gradually slide in the donation link to their listeners. Or you could consider buying a book they’ve written, if you’re not buying the donation trick.

The theological books by the catholic church is such a huge market and it’s flooded with one more nonsensical book than the other. We went down that road and had a suitcase full of these books, which we thought was keeping us "connected to our faith", but after a point we found them all repetitively going nowhere and making zero sense just to pocket the fee of the book cost. A shamelessly greedy sham that looks like it’s offering you value but ripping you off your sensibilities in every way. Took the suitcase and shot it away from us, throwing these books like a few pieces of toilet paper.

Worship music is a complex subject. Music in general. Frequencies, lyrics, instruments — it’s another touchy topic that we don’t want to dive into. But all I can say is we came to find that any and all kinds of music on YouTube using the faith as a means, is leaving you empty and humming to words you don’t even know to be scriptural or an invention of a talented writer.


Truth-seeking is supposed to be the most important time of one’s life. We learnt that we as humans are innate truth seekers, else we have an ever-increasing void as we’re aware of time running out on us.

The world has a bunch of fillers to keep you from the climax of finding the truth. If you stay captivated by the fillers, your chances of finding the absolute truth diminish, and in a swirl of confusion you shall descend.

Unfortunately, that little Sunday drama for an hour that I considered unimportant and inconsequential, was ostensibly the most covert timebomb ticking on me, to find me the truth or stay entrapped. Nevertheless, I bunked mass in any case, to play football almost every Sunday as I had no ounce of guilt to pass this whiny session, yet I wasn’t any better as a passive bystander. I needed to seek truth in every hour of every day of every week.

The truth is relinquishing religion, taste freedom.

So, our truth is here, from the beginning to the end. From 2019 to 2023, we finally found what we were looking for and we have to say — it’s been quite a ride and yet it was worth it in every way.

So now, here are The Wordsmith's playing resistance to the hollow minded pulpit clowns. They cast their evil eye at our house, now it's going to be theirs that burns behind them.


Our war isn't with the people of the catholic church, I was one of the duped souls. Our war is with the leadership who initiated a war against us.


My enemy's mind
// poetry

Only a stranger could say
We've not changed at all
We've quit frivolous games
We're done engaging any psycho stall.

A faith-driven triumph
Like a journey through the fire
The conditions were bleak sometimes
A few situations were dire.

Sparkling edges of a weapon
Seeping water from a dam
The walls to block us have fallen
Sorceries originating from some reprobate fam.

A stiff cold breeze
Jolts through our veins
The pain gets many to recalibrate
Makes us rapidly switch our lanes.

Not everyone can stand
The fiery ordeal at hand
If I knew this would be the path,
I would rethink everything I've planned.

The truth conquers world's
It's good to not know much
It travels seas of tumult
Unfazed, without a touch.

Clarity of thought
Discernment to the spiritual man
Pursuing the world is vanity
In futility clenching sand.


~ Watch the movie "The Quest" where we enact this write-up in a visually enthralling experience!


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