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 Battle on the runway is a mandate before the take off.

CODE: Flight from Exile.

Scattered seed Deep and beyond - this exile,
A Jewish soul in foreign soil.
Assimilation not a meritorious game plan,
Against the tide a fiery resistance and toil.


Flight A&J "Radar contact" says the heaven,
I'm apparently traced by the heavenly air traffic control,
I'm a little melting blip on the radar for good measure,
A nefarious Sodom exasperating a Jewish soul.

I've been told get ready for "take off"
Taxi to
Runway 613 to find Torah Scroll
As I taxi, I stumble on some impostering men,
OMW was to take down many an infiltrating rat and mole.

Blurry Lights

MayDay MayDay!
There's a runway hijacking 
Audacious Amalek's come upon us!!
Asking for a memorable whacking...

After Amalek's bloodbath,
It's time to sweep the floor with the Philistines,
These are mandatory pre-take off battles,
Before the high-octane departure scenes.

This is no passenger flight 
It's a fighter jet A&J 613 to HomeNation.
Command - Climb and maintain 10,000 feet (Big 10 Rules) 
Missile upon any malicious body of operation.

Image by Cash Macanaya

Nothing to Lose
Everything to Gain 
A Jewish soul from Exile.
Flight A&J conditioned through excruciating pain.


Won't land until I see the Homeland..
Won't settle for anything less..
Whom a thousand diviners have died cursing..
The Most High has made up His mind to Bless.

Extend Limits.
Be Limitles

Limitation maketh the man.
Limitlessness maketh the spirit. 
Be not mistaken to strike the wrong body
A limitless self may be trapped in it.

I’m trapped under a roofless sky
I’m running free if I gaze towards the horizon. 
There maybe yet places radio signal can’t find me. 
Leaving the virtually confining liason.

The Creator is setting events in motion
For me to comprehend, conquer and levitate
I’m starving for constancy of purpose under heaven
Marking as many treacherous heads with a "ZechMate".

You worship the god of money
I worship the ultimate God of Fate
Time and tide shall conclude if your 
Love was really love, if my hate was really hate.


We   A   


Blog access:


Not     when it comes to launch pages. 

a faceless couple with the woman wearing a pink head covering, man with black hair with th

The A&J Launch

The launch that describes us.

Image by Jeremy Bishop

The ARK Launch

A rhapsodic and slow paced launch showcasing our all.

Image by Suchit Poojari

All Project Access

Direct access into all our work on Steadfast.

Image by Daria Shatova


Art with poetry.


The climactic        for Legit Law Films. 

Image by Connor Pope



ft. Big Banks & Think Tanks.

To outsmart the system, you must first know where you fit in this rigged reality show of life and then work your way towards autonomy.


"Sometimes unfazed I walk through water, 
Sometimes unfazed I fly."

Geometric Fox


The Launcher.

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