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The origins 

The free voluminous embodiment of a prolific and ether-cutting set of words frozen in our perfume bottle called the "Thought Files"

Where we try to add much artistic fragrance to expound upon stinky world issues and how to circumvent them by following the blueprint of integrity, honesty and autonomy.

Making our readers to be a Winfluencer and not a Sinfluencer under heavens. 


Image by Elianna Gill

written by

Joel & Anisha Wordsmith

My Dear        Soul


click to get a pdf copy of our new book!


click the title heading and watch puddle turn ocean. poof.

All our blog articles hold substance. And given that all this has been a year’s worth of work, it’s tough to find some of our older writings. Hence, this month by month breakdown will make it easier to navigate our pieces by just a click.

By the Month Blogs

Image by Laura Chouette


our desktop site is even more delectable than the phone experience.

© 2024 by steadfast.thoughts | self-designed and mined

p.s. If you’re an iPhone user, turn off the “low power mode” and refresh our site for the full power of an Explosive experience.

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