Do everything meaningfully.
Because when you tend to lose focus of your mission, the reason, the strong WHY will always perpetuate you back to your feet with renewed vigor.

The Dictionary highlights the meaning of the word Steadfast as resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.
Living out our days under the sun by the mercy of the Creator has made us realize that in the generation we live in, our thoughts can either make us or completely break us in pieces. It's not easy to gain a grip on the passing thoughts in our head. Our mind is the best tool we have, and we take it for granted. We don't realize how what's in our mind is so, so important to the kind of lives we live.
Our thoughts govern our actions. Our actions slide into the choices we make. The choices we make determine the kind of life we live. And that's super stressfully important.
Having destructive thoughts will cause us to lead a destructive life where we end up feeling lost, unhappy and unfulfilled because of a lack of purpose, or lack of acknowledgement.
But having uplifting and true thoughts will keep us in a healthy groove and a spectacular lifestyle, all while keeping us well-rooted at the same time. Our choices will be wiser, and our actions will reflect a wise individual.
Our existence can at times be daunting and can get weary. But our life is what will keep the momentum going on in hopeful, upbeat cheer.

One of the biggest reasons for the question "WHY STEADFAST.THOUGHTS?" is to help the lost and seeking to find answers and deep perspectives that spark a vein of thought that can benefit them as they go deeper in peeling all the layers and facets of life.
There is more to our existence here.
There is life.
A bountiful life to be lived and experienced.
A walk with our Creator.
Many pathways to be realized.
A dream yet to be realized.
Our honest attempt is to be the light to the ones in search of the ultimate Truth and who are looking to break-free from the lies of this world and dig the soil for a deeper and purposeful life.

We hope that our posts and resources will greatly enrich your lives and add layers of meaning to the many roles you play.
Be steadfast and unfazed as you live your lives.
Unshaken by the stormy waters.
Eyes focused on autonomy.
Meditate and ponder on the Truth.
Be steadfast. Be thoughtful.
Steadfast Thoughts,