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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

What if I bloody deny you ft. Roman cactus 🌵

“If you deny me, I will deny you”

This line has the potent capacity to destroy lives without the person getting destroyed even knowing it. 

"If you shove me, I'll shove you harder"



Perceived security.

More guilt.

This line is psychologically engineered by some geniuses who managed to sell a lie as the ONLY truth by playing on a few emotions that humans feel strongly that can handicap their judgment and rationale and coerce them into believing that lie and going down the drain of folly all their lives.

A psychotic DNA of thought being mass injected into gullible skulls, by the power hungry, conquering and greedy roman catholic church.

The mind of its “subjects” is its equalizer and turn table.

It injects doses of guilt, sadness and anger to amplify emotions into you being brainwashed but thinking you’re saved by a manifestation of this cross. 

And you now need to “save”/ “brainwash” the “unsaved”/ “unbrainwashed” to expedite the “judgment day” and the coming of supergodman, until then let the offertory boxes ka-ching!

Hello, snap snap. 

The cross suggests you must be crucified alongside, and has engineered a glorious undertone, setting a crumb trail that they call communion for less than human (in their eyes) church-goers, all to make a few bucks and gain world domination through the forsaken collective death note - the imaginary sign of freedom, literal sign of death. The cross.

This Messiah guy had to solve problems, and solve them eternally, but every humanly introduced "Messiah" is begetting very human outcomes of exponentially disproportionate devastation. 

The identity or character sketch was birthed about by the reflection of Constantine and his vicious inclinations, but everyone today is too asleep to see that, so was I, and I paid a hefty price to be on the wrong side of morality.

You deny me, I deny you?

It’s a line that got me. 

For 21 years.

And a line that cost me.


I don’t consider myself dumb or stupid.

And if I can admit that this line is what held me to the lying sham of the Roman messiah salvation Constantine crap for 21 years, too afraid to even question, then I think it is a real problem worth addressing.

So, this petty line of “you don’t eat my chocolate, then I don’t eat your chocolate” sounds very foolishly insecurely human and inconsequential to me.

It’s all just empty guilt shots with no reason or logic.

It’s honestly something that mimics the feeling of someone holding you to gun point or when every assassination attempt fails, the "Guilt point", and asking you to admit something you don’t want to… but you do anyway.


Cos he’s held you at gunpoint.

You deny me, I deny you...?

Me: Okay buzz off then, do whatever the heck you have to. 

Sell them a lot of fluff, 1 god into 3, 3 god into 1. Supergodman will show up at some time, stay on his side. You in I, I in you, my father many house rooms, many rooms many house, I the broker, only go through me… blah blah blah and you shall read the rest in that rubbish offensive antisemitic document of lunacy. 

Me: You seek to kill me, I kill your propaganda first, mousy, with a preemptive strike at the bloodthirsty pulpit of pedophiles. Lazy mafia goons, doing a little drama of washing feet once a year. Petty. 

I identify this phenomenon as vibe setting, or when I’m feeling more truthful - Bloody Brainwashing! More like Hazing. 

What is Hazing?

Definition: Hazing, initiation, beasting bastardisation, ragging or deposition refers to any activity expected of someone in joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them regardless of a person's willingness to participate.

Hazing is seen in many different types of social groups, including gangs, sports teams, schools, cliques, universities, military units, prisons, fraternities and sororities, and even workplaces in some cases. The initiation rites can range from relatively benign pranks to protracted patterns of behavior that rise to the level of abuse or criminal misconduct.

Hazing is often prohibited by law or institutions such as colleges and universities because it may include either physical or psychological abuse, such as humiliation, nudity, or sexual abuse. Hazing activities have sometimes caused injuries or deaths.

While one explanation for hazing is that it increases group cohesion or solidarity, laboratory and observational evidence on its impacts on solidarity are inconclusive. Other explanations include displaying dominance, eliminating less committed members, and protecting groups that provide large automatic benefits for membership from exploitation by new members.

You must be kidding, if equivalent or more heinous transgressions aren’t sponsored (using offertory money) and orchestrated by the pulpit of pedo’s. 

With the final swaddle of truth to cut the chase. 

This little fictitious godman is seeking to “Haze” us in order to initiate us by psychologically getting us to earn our spot, by never denying him even when you’re getting slapped around. He sounds like the actual ‘not so secret’ world society pioneer who seeks to initiate the world in his frat party called Catholicism, Christianity, Messianic Movements and all its pseudonyms it goes by these days. 

I’m only bringing this Newfound forged document into perspective with riveting sketches to pin down the heinously charged perpetrators to justice. Not letting them befog and scatter human thought using the same old “Guilt Machine” or their endless obsession with mind control, brain chemistry, emotional intelligence, brain experiments, drug trials, so on and so forth. 

I’m going to whoop the evil psychiatrist seeking another thesis on unwilling subjects / lives who look to pursue a life of pure moral code minus the self-promoting and puerile accusational mindset, like a tantrum throwing spoilt brat crying to his mommy and daddy. 

  1. He stole my candy.

  2. He is a Christ Killer. 

  3. He deny me, I deny him. 

  4. Convert the rest of the whole round world.

  5. Post conversion, pay me donations, as I roll on the ground with these baseless claims injected with guilt-venom. 

He’s making you think your life is at stake if you don’t comply.

But... he is the one on the stake...

In every case, this lying christ logic is just plain pathetic, stupid, mental and unsound. 

He’s guilting you into thinking you have a way into the afterlife to which he’s holding the keys and there’s no other way but through him. False.

Such cheapshot middleman logic with some guilt-ridden statements, and a few copied miracles from the Torah cannot mean a thing; especially once you know Hashem and His ways. 

I mean, if I could just “lord and savior” my way through life into all sorts of illicit deeds and think I’m saved, I’d consider myself God… 

It’s a stupid doctrine.

Filled with lies and empty promises and a stake that screams bullshit.

It’s not real.

It never was.

Free yourself from the pulpit.

It destroys lives.

It kills.

What if I bloody deny you! Ft. ROMAN Cactus 🌵

// poetry

The unpalatable denial
Keeps acting like a broker in tween
The pulpit selling a potent venom of self-crucifixion 
Is the most hideous counterfeit the world has ever seen.

Like a boomerang of guilt waves 
Seeks to decentralize my decision making
They keep making “the death of an idea on a cross” outweigh all other lives,
But what about the collective Mass-Staking???

Swerve on the freeway of lawlessness
Say his name and then do whatever thou wilt?
So... if you satiate the offertory box, you're good, young lad
But if you deny him? A BRUTAL DEATH AFTER GUILT??!!!

Even streets have signs and laws 
Transgression could lead to run-ins with a claw 
Like a Roman cactus, I seek not to pierce guilt and convert 
How IS ONE A LEGALIST TO POINT OUT the Roman flaw..?

Snap this Fallacious idea with a belt
The mass conversion replacement theology
Stones of Truth I shall pelt
Drilling this noxious counterfeit corroboration using an analogy.

No Guilt, No Apology...
I'm not sorry for denying the cross ❌ 
It's a concocted idea seeking to casually hang out with the truth 
Bad influence on sanity, the FOMO newfound dross.

At guilt point one must not flinch,
Enough of this dead doctrine devaluing the one's alive!
I don't seek to grow the sixth hypocritical finger,
Away from complexity, I'm happy with five :) 


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