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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

The World Class - World

This is my strobe light of a revelation that I was met with. Growing up, I always struck chords on different guitars. I was only a good listener to the sound of music, more like a lyrical listener, 'cause I have a deep love for words. But my hands would at best, automatically find the familiar erroneous B-string that I'd play Yankee doodle on that too out of bounds. You may think I'd reach rock and roll heights, but I never got past Yankee doodle. Little did I know this interaction with the guitar and my mediocrity at it, that I considered fruitless, was purposed by the Author of Life for this very key takeaway.

As mankind, many of us grapple with the systemic monotonous giant clock on our heads, imprinting dreadful deadlines that we forget to grow the areas we're gifted in. Many great creative people have been lost to this myopic disaster, but I was told a few carrots a day could help you back with your vision. I can't screen-feed you carrots, but this is my attempt at getting you to ponder, envision and reconnect with what you are world class at.

I personally could be world class at innovating business concepts, strategizing and writing. But through my own blinding dogmatic worldview fed by the seemingly well-meaning voices around me, I thought I was world class at football. To my sadness, I was super good, above the average line, maybe one of the best in my schooling years, but there was always someone better on my bad days.

Being world class in your gifted zone means, that there's that one area where no one can defeat you even in a state of incapacitation, for instance in a possible partial paralysis, you might still ambidextrously take out your opponent with your weaker hand or weaker foot.

Your mind is your weapon, a propeller of its kind. Whatever demographic you belong to, it's not too early or too late to begin even now. There's always a moment of clarity waiting for you on the other side. Don't water down your springing-up motivation to find your hidden talent or grow the one you always took for granted.

7 billion people could potentially make 7 billion world class individuals.

If I don't believe this grandeur truth for myself and look to get better, I'm truly displaying ingratitude to the Creator who made all things and all people beautiful, in His time. Maybe this is the time your beauty is set to be unleashed for the world to see.

I wish you nothing but the best, love and ultimate contentment as you read this and return to growing your world class gift.

Your wordy friends,

A & J

What are you world class at?

We're beyond time and space

We're beyond local ranks

A sea is the one who broke free

A former river that defeated its banks.

No one can dam your waters

They'd be damned instead

We all daily eat our prideful statements,

Regretful butter with our bread.

The food buffet must not be buffeting.

Do the "One thing" what you truly love

Like the chef loves the knife we dread

He's undeterred by the flaming stove.

What's the price you'd pay,

For choosing the one thing you'd rather do?

What can you be world class at?

Pick up your tools and start anew!

Many choices,

Many voices,

Topsy turvy mind,

Deafening choral noises!

A dogmatic life

A canine existence on the earth

Find your world class opportunity,

Talent overcomes all dearth.


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