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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

The Slippery Snake

The Slippery Snake is the worldly system.

We live in a counterfeit realm that contradicts itself since antiquity.

Confusion is a curse.

The system barely has its fragile act together.

So many constitutions, so many foolish laws, so many loopholes, but yet fails to bring to justice anyone influential and flying above it.

Infact, this systematic system we take refuge in are nothing but pawny puppets to these very power players who run the show.

To illustrate:

The system we "trust" in, is the carpet.

And we, the middle class, are meticulously placed under this "carpet" that the wealthy oligarchs take a sh*it on.

This stinky carpet is being let loose on us, while it is controlled and garnished upon our skulls by the wealthy invisible.


Murderers, launderers, rapists, pedophiles, are all out there, dancing and parading, strutting about like a peacock in their transgressions, doing a shimmy, breaking into song and dance, printing heroic tales of their magnanimity in newspapers that they own, having a gala time, pulling the 5th amendment in the Indian Law, WHILE there are people this "carpet" has thrust into prisons for crimes they've not even committed.


So WHY was this knock-off, these human systems of justice, education "really" made?

In a pompous and over stretching poorly crafted attempt at trying to replace / supersede the Creator's just authority where He swiftly destroys a person at a crisp and accurate time.

This human "toy machine" of our own tiny systemic attempts at greatness, with some ambitious rockets planning on touching the celestial bodies beyond its scope and understanding, without mastery over their own self and taming their own evil inclinations to foolishly go against the ultimate power that keeps the entire earth in sustenance and existence.

I'm pretty sure you can't bribe a calamitous decree pointedly commanded to relentlessly take a specific person out despite his self-promoting greatness.

The phony systems can be likened with the body of a snake enroute to be gobbled by the very head at the climax of the journey of an integrity-deficient life.

There's no divine being or demi-god that can just 'will' immortality for itself.

Life is an expedition, with many sharp turns and junctions and you'll live the life that the map you choose leads to.

Steer clear from the diabolical slippery snake as far as you can try, and don't abandon the fixed track of integrity in choice making.

Think beyond the known. Create an opening and breakthrough.

The herd mentality is.. a featherless bird mentality. Seek to soar like an eagle with an astute eye to kill the snake in its slither.

The Slippery Snake

// poetry

The slippery path,
With roller-skates of folly don't you tread
The snake head holds things collateral,
It tries to lay siege to your bread.

You shall be dancing with dread,
Between the fangs it spread,
The endless snakes spine your road,
From the tail to its mouth you were led.

The systemic snake
Perverts your path in every stride
It rerouted you 76 times,
The truth it seeks to hide.

The snake lay paralyzed in ropes,
I was empowered to tie its head with its tail.
This systemic snake is a joke,
Before the Supreme, it's proven to be a ginormous fail.

Till my 5th choice it was encamped,
I kept exfoliating as I went,
I took off the roller-skates of folly,
The details in fine print in its scale I bent.

I went, like I never came
This dumbfounded snake lay tazed,
I stay away from snaky-paths to the top,
My conscience keeps me Unfazed.

No plans to be snake-surfing,
Must not test its greatness at deception.
It can truly roadblock every known exit
Autonomy is the Code's superior exception.

The Snake is everything known
Try to chart out a lesser embarked upon path
A tiny inception to grandiose horizons
Away from the ancient snake paths fiery aftermath.

Conniving snake masquerading as the truth train
It's a diametrically opposing way to the track,
If you're slipping around on the rigged snake,
Use your freewill and to your senses head back.


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