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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

What the Buck?! ft. Big-Banks & Think-Tanks

Story time.

Once upon a time, there was a huge housing society of human beings that had 20 towers, with 1500 odd flats. This was a bustling human settlement, with families, young and old and little children, all residing happily.

But there was one problem.

The problem was that this society didn’t have ANY water. There was no in-house borewell, nor did it have connectivity to the government’s water supply.

The only way for its inhabitants to avail water was from the local water tankers run by the local authorities, whom for this story, let’s hypothetically call “mafia”.

Now, the water tankers held unprecedented power. They decided when the water would come, when it would not, the water rates, the spurts of random increases in the rates, etc. etc.

Now, after the mafia withholds the water for 3 days, the inhabitants are left despondent.

With the slight quiver of a cloud, i.e. at the slight squirt of a rain drop, there is a hiccup in water tanker frequency, and a reverberating butterfly effect in the personal day to day functioning's of the residents therein.

This mafia could basically literally control the very lives of the inhabitants of this society, through an essential commodity innate to basic survival: water.

With a slight traffic, protest or festival there is a water cut off citing difficulty in delivering the water via the water turtles i.e. the trucks. It’s almost as though there’s an eager anticipation by the truck lords.

Anticipation to seek a pretext, to cause "truckus" / havoc in our life.

The lesser the water delivered, the greater the boatloads of cash, was the automated excel sheet of profiteering without any bounds of integrity in business, and without any fear of consequences, as it’s a hand glued to the glove operation.

This is my little example of the water tanker ft. Truck-Lords.

Now let’s "convert" this primordial example into today's evolved banking scene and follow the water, which in this case is the money.

The trucks are controlled by the most powerful institution in the world, where it’s imperative a man must frequent as it’s a checkpoint to survival, where this intangible asset called money determines not just your social status but also if you’d be able to eat the next meal.

The corporations feed you the bucks authenticated and set by the bank and salaries “just over broke”, as in your job remuneration is transacted not into your pocket, but in the bank.

Basically, it's just a few digits on a screen into an account you have no real access to. And there's a big red button in the hands of this monarch, aka Big Boss: THE BANK.

The moment he presses this holy button, water supply off > salary off > target ejected. BOOM.

The moment there’s any policy by this little infested toe known as the "government / lawmakers" which is the enforcing wing for the monarchy called "The Bank", the reverberations are felt like a freakin' earthquake onto the heads of the working class, likening your consequences in alignment with the residents of the society.

The Oligarchs are their many fronts who needless to say, have secured immunity and a higher status for themselves, good for them.

But for you, dear silenced sire, your house will be leaking issues, your elderly and children suffer in ways, and you stand helplessly trying to pick up pieces of your repeatedly shattered glass window to no avail.


To outsmart the system, you must first know where you fit in this rigged reality show of life and then work your way towards autonomy.

1. Do not be afraid of anything or anyone.

2. Guage the situation and wait for your time. Prepare well in those moments of waiting.

3. Challenge everything that they push on their hypnotizing mediums of propaganda. Whether it’s foreign education or a fizzy drink with a formula of a toilet cleaner. Question everything.

4. Finally, be world class in that one skill you’re born with and seek to grow that skill to defeat yourself as many times as humanly possible. You’ll slowly see everyone in the same area of craft fleeing from even thinking of taking you on.

5. Stay away from loans, or anything that involves casting your life or autonomy into the hands of the system led by banks. They have the smartest minds of psychologists and money managers seeking to stupefy the best effort you’ve got at circumventing.

6. Leave everything in the Supreme God's hand, do your best, always show up, never give up, and never stray away from the path, and then the mafia, or any giant, they’ll all be compelled to sign you on without rubbish terms. Learn business, negotiation and law no matter what your area of expertise and watch your career evolve.

You don’t need to be an oligarch to gain autonomy or immunity.

You need the Creator, good intention and a game plan.


Stay DebitCard.

Avoid CreditCard.

Increase Credit Alerts.



// poetry

Nudge nudge, dear sir
Please give me ‘my bucket’ of water
I don’t need it for revelry or debauchery, dear sir
I need it for my thirsty son and daughter.

My parents are aging, dear sir
Stop teasing me with a Ponzi credit card
When I fail to keep up with your cannibalistic deadlines,
You’ll be the very one to have me prison jarred.

Be merciful with the water, dear sir
Not every penny needs to be multiplied
Many families you have laid siege to,
Many smiles and laughs you have air dried.

Aye Billionaire Banker!!!
I’m coming for what’s mine!!!
I don’t care a damn about your diabolical laws
You never honor your own words in time.

I’ve seen the lines!
Of sudden planned plugs being unsocketed
Lay-offs and then planned property seizures
A lot of deceitful bucks being pocketed.

I keep my card debit for life,
This EMI thing, a good plan to the ears
The financial knife of compounding interest,
Transforming a cheerful soul into soulful fears.

Yes, it all ends in tears.
Filling the bucket the working class holds,
I’m going to have as little to do with the bank,
My extra cards have voluntary folds.


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