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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

The Mind - A Garb Mower

In today's day and age, the way to the pinnacle of truth is a hike through frostbiting weather, where the chances of survival are miniscule. The way back not guaranteed.

The mind - a garb mower by steadfast thoughts blog

There's an information influx of a monstrous stature. Everything you see is doctored information, covered to perfection to suit the agenda of the one wanting to imprint a certain truth in your minds.

The news has always been a phony weapon of deceit. There's a money trail that flows through the rivers of soiled information banks. All sounding righteous, yet conveniently inclined to the party funding it and keeping the lights on.

The information gates are flooded with deceptive waters.

The news, magazines, social media and video platforms, digital media handles, are portals where buying, selling and altering of the truth happens to sway the masses brains like a brain ballerina. At the end what remains is confusion and confusion is what they manufacture and author.

~ Should I support this or that?

~ Am I righteous by standing for this or that?

~ Is this person or that person a worthy candidate?


You're left with your thinking hat, below poverty line, while someone else's feeding on your taxes, serving themselves, propagating a heroic tale, or a fearful fable — all to control your mind.


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For instance — a very high net worth individual may be getting lightened his way to a humiliating downfall — more like decimated. But with his little sell-out news company, he gets you to believe in the invincible nature of his being.

Not true. No one is indispensable.

The news is like a biased child, who'll obviously say “Daddy's my Hero!!!”

‘Cause Daddy is paying the bills.'

The crux of a Torah-truth mindset is knowing that any other account of history — other than the Tanakh — always favors and magnifies the greatness of one narrating the story to you.

Steadfast thoughts blog

For example, in view of a country's history, a nationalist would obviously speak as though the country is the epicenter and the arrow tip of greatness, the promised land. But actually it's only a very poor rip-off of the story of Israel. Which in many capacities is visible, yet the sole purpose of spinning such an unconvincing and foolish lie is to steal the exhilarating journey of Israel and appropriate it to yourself.

It's like assuming that if I kill a lion, and call myself a lion, I may just shapeshift into being one, powers and all. That's not true. I may surely be a little bit of a serpent with a double tongue, to yet again deceive you through information from my own heart's delusions, which is common among idolatrous individuals. Wind, confusion and delusion is a definite outcome.

steadfast bible study

So, back to being STEADFAST — which in all its clarity means immovable, and having Steadfast Thoughts means having your thoughts bolted into the Bible — the wellspring of clarity.

Misinterpretation of this great resource can also lead to confusion, but that's again due to an idolatrous interpretation, where the confused tries to educate with added sprinkles of confusing tales. There are no dual meanings to the Scripture, it is what it is, it speaks for itself. Symbolism must be interpreted rightly and the history can be vouched for. It's as truthful as an account can get.


I have heard many a propaganda-puppets claiming to propagate the "Right Way".


The choice is yours — The Tanakh from Genesis to Malachi, in all its fullness, may just speak to you about the truth, like it does to me and my family. Movements, elections and the likes are all events that will always be around, but the opportunity to seize the truth in the Scripture and live by it, is as long as your heart beats and time doesn't run out on you.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬-‭167 ‭JPS Tanakh 1985

"For this is what HASHEM said to me, when He took me by the hand and charged me not to walk in the path of that people: “You must not call conspiracy All that that people calls conspiracy, Nor revere what it reveres, Nor hold it in awe. None but HASHEM of Hosts Shall you account holy; Give reverence to Him alone, Hold Him alone in awe. He shall be for a sanctuary, A stone men strike against: A rock men stumble over For the two Houses of Israel, And a trap and a snare for those Who dwell in Jerusalem. The masses shall trip over these And shall fall and be injured, Shall be snared and be caught. Bind up the message, Seal the instruction with My disciples.

So I will wait for HASHEM, who is hiding His face from the House of Jacob, and I will trust in Him."

News — The common control panel of the billionaires. A corrupt portion of them make a cause with a narrative of collectively winning as a nation, pushing you to think of the "greater good", yet the big bucks or any bucks are only being transacted into their individual accounts.

Boss? How is that a collective victory? It’s a personal victory being projected as though it's for the "greater good", yet the gap between the rich and the poor is only widening.

What am I getting from this page?

Purpose. Immense Purpose.

To in many ways, benefit my own household to constantly inculcate a culture of hyperfocus, so that another wealthy and treacherous man's so-called vision or pursuits do not distort my vision for my family, and whosoever that wants to benefit.

We at aren't telling you to think a certain truth.

We are proclaiming what works for us, and urging you, our beloved readers, to do your own thinking and develop your own households, making way for a harmonious life.

If anyone's a billionaire, let him be so in all its blessing, ‘cause it's been given to him from heaven. But if it is being done at the cost of the poor and other backward classes that are not deemed as important as their own lives, then I have a problem and will do everything in my capacity to set a new status quo. With Steadfast.Thoughts.

Not buying the propaganda news

The Garb Mower

Sneaky subliminal images
Penetrating through every decision
Tweaking your ability to discern
Glitching the equalizer of precision.

Like a mower of the lawn
My mind cuts through the garb
Offense via driving through to the rim
Propaganda penetrates through every barb.

I incline my ear
To test the truth these days
Finding the Organic light of the sun
Not Swaying through masquerading rays.

The mind is a mower
An engine with uncapped cutting beams
‘Cause you know what they say my friend,
Not everything is what it seems.

Look through the illusions.

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