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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

The Mighty One and The Squirrel

I refer to the human race as a bunch of squirrels. Our Creator Most High is an ever-loving and eternal King. His abundance manifests all around us. He's good to all and prepares food for all His creatures. He's the Blessed and Set Apart One, all praise due His Name (Hashem).

We the bolting squirrels have a grotesque view of life.

We think it's all about the next nut,

the next pay cheque,

the next upgrade,

the next status quo jump. 

These things are gratifying to our physical self, which is how you exist.

I have heard that these things solely make up for your survival - or your day-to-day existence.

True Life is acquiring wisdom and contentment which comes from setting out to accomplish your God-given purpose.

(Please read my article The Torah Train to get on the track to pursue the One and True God, only if you're called to)

The way the earth came about, and the view I hold comes from an understanding of the Jewish Scriptures, as per the record of Genesis (Bereshit) in the Torah. But I spiritually have developed my own theory around this topic.

I love the cute idea of being a squirrel to my Creator but have come to learn that the clocks buzzing a violent tune for us to wake up and begin acting as the superior race, worthy of subduing the earth and taking care of the Creator's majestic garden.

The mental faculties followed by the spiritual potential in one human is greater than all the squirrels in the world combined. We need to focus on life which may sometimes in many ways contradict your criteria for existence.

Reliance on the systems of the world is good, a job is a great place to fulfill the criteria of your life's purpose, unraveling the gift-wrapped box of your hidden purpose can be achieved anywhere.

But showing up wherever for a chunk of change, with no deeper purpose in mind calls for an inevitable disaster.

Associating with people who instantly are given over to a bunch of coin, is also alarming to what you're trying to build, which is a life for yourself.

An existence is a prison, everyone exists.

But few of them truly live.

The ones that manage to break through the crab basket, are the ones that have stopped existing and started living.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Gratification is in pockets, money is a tool - nothing more nothing less, to fulfill your life's destiny.

Figure out the purpose for your existence.

Mine is to glorify the Creator in all that I do, to be a light wherever I go, because I owed Him from the time I came to be and beyond. I owe Him for my life. I owe him for my identity as Israel. I recognize Him and know Him for His beauteous wonders over me and all of mankind. He's the true King, whose immense generosity is in untamed creation itself.

His Creation is synchronous. There are no side effects or toxic waste produced through any of His modes of Providence. Be it the rains, the sun, the crops, all supplement each other even in its most wasteful forms.

We blame and blaspheme when we create our own pits by taxing the earth through our squirrel-mindedness.

He's done a perfect job, but we have tainted His earth on autopilot. He doesn't sleep nor slumber, all of the earth is well taken care of. He feeds every animal and knows all of us by name. He rejoices in His people who adore His Majesty but is merciful even to the ones who don't. He's long-suffering. He's our beloved and Most Powerful Creator.

I express my desire for life (purpose), in whatever capacity I'm able to. I publicly show my allegiance to my King HASHEM whom I serve in my body and I'm not sorry about my life, as I've broken my way through to be a human being having a spiritual existence and not a squirrel conveniently falling on the side where there's a coin, only to apparently enhance my daily existence.

I choose LIFE, in all that I do.

Life is purpose, purpose involves delayed gratification and sacrifices at times.

Whatever I do I choose life, my existence is taken care of by my Creator Most High.

The Squirrel who's a Nut

Squirrels all around

Little rat running about

Like a pendulum I swing

Most squirrels doubt.

We're to have faith

Our Creator's in absolute power

Squirrel uncontrollably covets the nut

But it's nothing but a grape turned sour.

Man isn't a beast

We were meant to be great

In the garden of Eden we turned squirrel

Out of the forbidden fruit we ate.

At the end which is the start

The Creator shall ask us what we did

I have to show Him my resume for eternity

Not the squirrel food I hid.

Elevating our spirit

A Squirrel is not what I want to be

I'm daily rejecting empty coins

Let's extinguish the Squirrel in you and me.


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