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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

The Many-eyed Blind 

Taking you back to when we worked at this company we thought would be “our big break” into the well of wealth.

Here, every morning that we showed up, we had to clock in and out on a sheet of cardboard paper from the back entrance of the workstation. 

Throwback to 2018 ft. Anisha melting despite the cashflow.

First, we thought our good old schooling system would empower us to conquer the world and break free from our limitations and circumstances. 

We were wrong.

Then, we thought the “practical” experience on the field doing a real job would teach us all we couldn’t learn in schools. 

We were SO wrong.

So, how about buying a couple suitcases of the esteemed knowledgeable books and learn to teach yourself? 


You cannot defeat this serpenty system that has already created and put you in all these boxes and made them available to you. They engineer these systems after considering all your top 10 choices before burying you into one of these systemic boxes of complicity.

This so-called corporate job taught us nothing. Infact, its aim was to put us to sleep like a newborn baby. The sleep of a defeated death slumber where you think only as far as they tell you to. And if you question, say goodbye and be kicked off the realm.

The schools and universities were worse. These don’t do anything for the kind of person you want to become.

At the end of your degree, after teaching you some loser jargon that is irrelevant in the real world, they make you a compliant idiot fit to be devoured by these corporations we just spoke of above. 

Clock out, not a Drop out

// poetry

I did my time
In the oblivion of the dark
When passion and talents take root,
They quell it at the spark.

“Prospects” are dark,
They reroute you to a mundane rhythmic rut,
In transit on a conveyor belt to the talent shredder
Now is a good time to trust your gut!

Give the system a head butt
I’m an MBA from a Big C.
For my ecstatic eagerness to work,
I was levied a big fee.

I quit tea
No time for breaks
I decided to break the giant clock
I’m going to do what it takes.

High Stakes
Not a library fan
I believe in centeredness to help me navigate,
The distractions I blessed with a trash can.

It’s a propaganda BAN
Peeling pop by the second,
I had to unlearn all the befogging knowledge,
Unreckon everything I reckoned.

It’s a brutal unwind,
A spiritual cleansing of the secular behind,
To making many books there’s no end,
De-hypnotizing the many-eyed blind.

To you who read too much,
And learn but little,
Throw out the voluminous voices of confusion,
A peaceful existence needs no side skittle.

Cultivate One Mind
A singular power Brain.
The excess deceitful knowledge
Please reroute to the Drain!


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