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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

The Cardinally-backed Pulpit of Pedophilia

The integral intangible peripheral of life, sleep to the eyes and slumber to the eyelids. The time to cool off for the restless rabbit called the mind.


A very lightly esteemed part of the current bodily cycle. With honest labor and toil for the right outcome, the right purpose for the Most High comes the laborer's sleep. The Ones who don't fall behind the Most High whose mercies are magnanimous get a brutal and unforgiving adversary appointed over them. The way of the earth paradoxically compliments and nurtures the Creator's elect. Though it appears thankless, tiresome and perilous as the Creator refines us in the refining fire of affliction and humiliation for a momentary timespan, but the latter end of His chosen people is far more lustrous than what the waywardness of the world creates.

The Tanakh — a staircase to being the apple of the Creator's eye. The children of Abraham, Isaac, Yaakov and David. Scattered across the earth, inevitably and perforce, make their path back to the Creator.

Through many a crossroads, like a lion who tugs on to composure, we don't stride the paw beyond the bounds of Torah.

Anything shady and too good to be true, is better off concluded as a dream being sold like a dark mist in the hands of a child.


Don't believe every righteous appearing man, those are the very one's left to be inquired and investigated, the rest of the shady looking goons have too tight a scanner to be insidious.


The very snide costumes with a classic touch of the sparkling silver rims of their pedophilic glasses, taint the experience of the eager youth seeking answers, which are most definitely in the Tanakh.

Case in point, I recently read an article that I found perfectly situated under the rug, obviously brushed under by the Catholic-costumed goons. Of a young 13-year-old boy from Maharashtra, who was raped by a Pedophile Priest who quite vehemently paraded free, running wild, until the point of being caught, hands too red to hide.

Obviously, the case pleaded by the helpless mother of the young child, was shuddered away as most things ensue post the extorting money plate is full. The leadership was busy mulling the next flight to Rome and campaigning for added funds for some guilty pleasures, under the guise of some churches being burnt down. The said Pedophile Priest has been granted life imprisonment, yet it doesn't seem like the abject punishment for the Pedophile whose cover has been blown. It's a matter of chilling bones, when one wonders how many more abusive pursuits this one phony rapist in ‘righteous disguise’ may have undertaken and how much has he been supported and strengthened and shielded in this wicked pursuit, to rape the poor, the voiceless and the innocent.

What next?

The same colluding behind the scenes with attempted settlements being made to bolt the matters under soil.

As expected, the psychopathic and delusional leader of the most pious institution — the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) — (if pious meant deranged), urged us all to pray for the abuser and the victim!

Wait what?! Pray for the abuser?!

So that he's released to abuse and ruin a few more souls?!

This leader needs to calm down with the superiority complex, and the delusional mindset he harbors of throwing the pleas and cries of the ones in trouble, in abuse and in need under the rug to further strengthen a wickedly wild man ruining lives of children who are no more than 15 years of age. Disgusting. If anything, he should be standing for capital punishment on the perpetrators of such a heinous crime, rather than rushing to Rome, because anyway this city isn’t built in a day, it’s built every Sunday. So, whatever it was, it could wait, knowing well that such nauseating acts are commonplace in the RCC, and offering the haven of a cover-up to the wicked men of their team is also mundane protocol to this sanctimonious bunch.

This holier-than-thou man simply assumes he's more righteous than the rest of us. Looking down upon us as though we're scum yet living off the breadcrumbs of donations and offertories. Wolf.

The ‘cardinal’ leader in question — the perfect balancing act to supplement these abusers on his left flank, right flank, some playing striker and defense, all at the expense of victims and donors. Teaming thieves masquerading around town as the righteous lot throwing some water around the farm calling it blessings. The grass, being the people, are withering away by these very venomous farmers at work.

The man's dozen tongues, side every side who could possibly be a donor for his trips to Rome and leave us to foam for his purpose and his majorly glorious pursuits.

What a putrefying sore posing as a righteous institution!

Another case sprung up from Karnataka where a Catholic leader was allegedly busy fathering children. May have been quite the conquest to manage the 2 egos. One at the altar, and his other alternate ego playing dad to a child, or possibly many children.

When the matter got too blown up to pop, he was suggested by the same cardinally-deficit man, to undergo a paternity test at a fully rigged hospital owned and run by the same institution (RCC). What a sham?!

There is an audacious video clip that the leader released as part of his once more 'innocent' stance, that he was being misrepresented, as the released clip of his voice recording was allegedly - 'mischievous editing'. Again, an ambiguous statement and pointing the finger right back at the ones who had the boldness to blow the whistle off this lying institution of bullies in costumes. The Indian Law states a test must be conducted at a specified hospital located in Hyderabad. But the mere suggestion of overthrowing the Law and having it in 'control' done at a Catholic institution shows how clean the matter is from their hiding end.

I'm sure one could call the outcome a cliché where the Pedophile walks with a clean chit and the victim is further victimized as the liar for whistle blowing.

The only whistleblowing monopoly seems to be perpetually sustained by the in-house referee, which in this rigged set piece is the questionable hospital, and their chain of hospitals used to fabricate a jukebox of evidence at the speed of light.

Total equity maintained by the lawless pulpit of Pedophiles.

The RCC has a very common set protocol in place for when such events occur and confrontations arise from the aggrieved members, because these allegations occur quite often.

It takes 1 internet search to type a few keywords to witness the number of cases worldwide against the costumed clergy.

This is a quick summary of their plan of action that gets rolled out immediately to cover the scandals from gaining momentum to not interfere with the money-plates clinking every Sunday.


A case arises from a person afflicted and in severe mental, emotional and physical pain and shame. They confide to the ones they 'think' they can trust from the institution expecting their plea to be heard and action to be taken against the offender.


Immediately, the Vatican takes over to silence and to control this from leaking out and spreading. Like a feather in a concealed hat in the closet, the Vatican repeatedly shuffles the guilty molesters across their franchise scattered across the world. Giving these thugs and cons a fake ID, promoting them in the pedophilic club. Mostly they're moved to Africa after their sodomistic maneuvers across the towns they've polluted with their presence. Instead of taking action and getting due justice for the victim and investigating the matter, these predators roll out a plan to shield and defend their own, rather than dispense justice, which should be their goal and aim, thus irreversibly dismantling innocent youth with their serial predatory practices.


What more? Now that the offender is in a safe zone where no one can locate him, settle the case with the victim in private and buy their silence by knowing their price after perusing through their weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

A foolproof strategy to maneuver through the tides of pedophilia and abuse unassailably!

And we're the wicked ones?

Highly reverend and holy indeed! 

Clap clap!

Moving on,

A so-called well-altered and tailored checklist. This fraudulent and covert soothsaying band of thieves are guilty of the following since this gangrene called missionaries entered Indian soil.

Misrepresenting the ONLY Testament, the holy book of the Jews — the Torah, by piling on new guilty statement stories and costumes, that have NO factual evidence to back it up. A falsified and heavily doctored Roman document (made to sound ‘Jewish’) attached at the end of the Hebrew Scriptures doesn’t count.

Here goes —

1. Capitalizing upon the poor and then silencing them when they are abused.

2. Further entrapping them in shelters and orphanages.

3. Converting the poor and gullible from other religions to expand the audience for the Pedophilic footprint.

4. Raping and molesting the poor continually for a bag of rice.

5. Eyeing the fortunes of the Jews and other religions and deeming everyone ‘wicked’ if they exercise the free will to disassociate, condemn and speak up about the constantly trickling Pedophilia and abuse.

6. Acquiring a fleet of cars, cheques and foreign trips at the expense of the innocent and guilt-ridden crowd looking for salvation. (Kicked out Bishop of Pune in April 2023)

7. Projecting a life of slavery and suffering onto the masses and making it sound appealing to 'endure suffering' and keep giving to the money-plates as a noble mission for God.

8. There would be an entire warehouse of books if all their works were listed in this charter of the missionary, which I’m sure lies in the Vatican archives.

9. I'd write it on another Sunday, the day I work the hardest. This can of worms needs to be carefully handled in an apt fashion periodically.

Final thoughts:

Carve out your own escapade! Lest they rape you and deem you a liar post being a victim. Perfectly pecking you and bullying you into silence because obviously they’ve donned the costume, now no one bother or point a finger at these perfectly pious men of holiness and eminence.

Take Things

Beyond the Baubles,

Beyond the Extra-Terrestrial Testaments.

And Embrace

The ONLY Testament.

The Tanakh.

Dissecting the unclean from the clean. To avoid these missionaries causing gangrene.

And remember, Judaism isn't associated with Catholicism/Christianity in any manner. JEWS DO NOT EVANGELIZE. But are victims of being stolen from and accused for a couple thousand years ever since the Romans strode in conquering their promised land building shrines and guilds of fables.

Judaism isn't a conversion specialist, we always look within ourselves and seek to improve and tweak the man in the mirror, as per the written ordinances of the Tanakh, that the missionaries cast behind them.

Job 20: 4-29 JPS Tanakh 1985

"Do you not know this, that from time immemorial, Since man was set on earth, The joy of the wicked has been brief, The happiness of the impious, fleeting? Though he grows as high as the sky, His head reaching the clouds, He perishes forever, like his dung; Those who saw him will say, “Where is he?” He flies away like a dream and cannot be found; He is banished like a night vision. Eyes that glimpsed him do so no more; They cannot see him in his place any longer. His sons ingratiate themselves with the poor; His own hands must give back his wealth. His bones, still full of vigor, Lie down in the dust with him. Though evil is sweet to his taste, And he conceals it under his tongue; Though he saves it, does not let it go, Holds it inside his mouth, His food in his bowels turns Into asps’ venom within him. The riches he swallows he vomits; God empties it out of his stomach. He sucks the poison of asps; The tongue of the viper kills him. Let him not enjoy the streams, The rivers of honey, the brooks of cream. He will give back the goods unswallowed; The value of the riches, undigested. Because he crushed and tortured the poor, He will not build up the house he took by force. He will not see his children tranquil; He will not preserve one of his dear ones. With no survivor to enjoy it, His fortune will not prosper. When he has all he wants, trouble will come; Misfortunes of all kinds will batter him. Let that fill his belly; Let Him loose His burning anger at him, And rain down His weapons upon him. Fleeing from iron arrows, He is shot through from a bow of bronze. Brandished and run through his body, The blade, through his gall, Strikes terror into him. Utter darkness waits for his treasured ones; A fire fanned by no man will consume him; Who survives in his tent will be crushed. Heaven will expose his iniquity; Earth will rise up against him. His household will be cast forth by a flood, Spilled out on the day of His wrath. This is the wicked man’s portion from God, The lot God has ordained for him."


Integral Sleep

How will you sleep, old sport?
Confusing many a men!
A sleep sacks a possession commonplace
Yet sleep, not a ubiquitous gift to every lion in a den.

The subconsciously trapped quests
Enchantingly seep through the roof of your mind
You may try to keep fixing the leaking catastrophe,
A fated stroll away while the roof collapses behind.

Yes, you were salvaged,
Like a glimmer of light on a crack escapade
But many a roofs lie before you, my friend
Even luxury condominiums offer deceptive shade.

Reexamine your wavelengths of intentions
Weigh down action by the Tanakh
While you escape many a rugged falling roofs,
Stay non-reactant to the ancient costumed bark.

To acquire a sweet unhindered sleep,
Stay put on the Torah Train.
Like a feeble curtain many a doctrines arise,
Their decimated roof shall need more than a crane.


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