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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

The Billionaire Slave-Ship

Let’s take it back to the boat, where it all began, where all the heinous atrocities manifest itself on the waters of Southeast Asia. People tortured butchered all for some shrimp.

I’m just a random girl smacking your consciousness into higher awareness.

Okay.. this calls for a weightier testimony against the organization and its brazen disregard for the "secular Law" it flies stratospherically above.

Without further unintended obfuscation of the point of the matter.

The testimony.

A meticulously documented article by one of the many so-called righteous media outlets, "Guardian"

There’s also a documentary with a plethora of evidence that this evil Billionaire is out to align our destinies...either with:

1. That of the unsuspecting and innocent people on these boats from which he illegally sources his shrimp and other fishes, or

2. The succulent Shrimp that’s devoured by the world.

Just FYI I’m vegetarian and observe a kosher diet as the nauseas feeling I get when I remember the traumatizing visuals I was forced and scarred to beholden.

Without wasting any further breath, This man Dhanin Chearavanont has caused immense and irreversible damage to the lives of my husband and me.

I’m sure he’s out there frisking through every manual with an army of uncles helping him to take us to the gallows and fabricate two 26-year-olds, by attacking the victim after raining a giant cloud of abusive authority onto us already.

But know this SCM: We will fight back and not lay down taking this pointed attack on our lives. If you point the gun of a rigged system that favors "the rich and powerful" onto us, we shall contest each and every stroke of your deceitful concoction in public, unto death.

With a basic pen, paper and the force backing us, The Mighty God of Israel - The Creator of the Universe.

Mr. Dhanin, you’ve already tried every known method of executing us CP style, throwing us out of the boat of a legitimate life.

We have nothing to lose, so we’re come to break your facade in the unfair cowardice war you’ve brought upon us.

If I’d know that you’ve rigged all forms of governance and there’s always someone making calls to bring our counsel to naught, I’d drop out of school itself.

In vain have I worked my way up in college from being an average student to acing exams, 'cause all I landed was a death note called "CP Group", that kills whoever serves them.

You should have told me the real career graph:

That there’s no real white profession with CP Group.

Instead of making I’d just build and redirect everyone to this magnanimous man himself the "Billionaire Magnate Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont".

I should’ve known it’s pointless to study for 12-13 hours, all I could do was follow the blueprint of Mr. Dhanin and chosen after the cards he dealt me by closing me in and shutting my opportunities:

1. Pimp/Prostitute

2. Hitman

3. Extortionist

4. Money launderer

And many more creative roles under his great grand leadership.

To conclude, as my husband and I have to prepare to once again defend his outnumbering and outweighing attacks on 2 children, I wonder why he hired us after seeking us out, and now has made us the object of his fury......

The quick death of his entire company would be a well awaited sigh of relief at this point.

The God of Israel, My God will decide if your will shall stand.

Else, there’s nothing stopping you from using your resources and getting us assassinated, brutally killed, left for dead, as we brazenly walk the main road at roughly the same time…

You have your "little triad spies" that make it obvious.


Mark the Man

You prison man
With your prison plans
Dig yourself a pit
With your prison fangs.

Societies are a gimmick
More like prison lands
The earth is held captive
As wide as the prison spans.

Corruption and bondage
Go hand in hand
With this blindness
The spiritually deficit bands.
Join your fist together
Yes hold your hands
A prison is too tiny for us
We're from heavenly clans.

Light your fire
Control your hunger pangs
Don't fast too much
You won't last your zugswangs.

You're finished
The knifes thrust through your heart
If you're still breathing a bit
This is going to repeat from the start.


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