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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

The Assembling Imposters

Quick update:

Mischief managed. This conniving Cult of imposters seeking to dispossess the authentic truth seekers have shape-shifted throwing their "lord and savior" in the fan. Now focusing only on the mains to be adulterated and perverted, the instructions to be curved, the details to be concocted, the perilous godman that needs to be sold as alongside the Torah, tricking you to break the 1st and 2nd Commandments that command you to worship the only True God and none other.

Call yourself "Valley Torah Assembly" or whatever "Rivering trickery" you've now strung together, when no one buys this shoddy act of cheap illusory trickery.

You'll be floating in the gutter alongside cowards and thieves.

Suffix - Torah Assembly

The godman is in the details.

The mousy pastor calls himself a Rabbi these days, preaching godman with a suffix of Torah.

Watch your step, Pastorbi.

Pastor playing Rabbi or whatever strange hybrid specie you are.

What's an impostor?

A deceiver who pretends to be someone else for some fraudulent gain.


In this matrix of reality, while you hot wheel the tracks of life, you'll be directed on some paths that swerve fast, rerouting you on the wrong path. The agents of darkness, stay put. With their hands on the switch to your circuit, the plug to your mind, and the button to recalibrate your way back to your most destructive ways.

They get you wondering:

1. How did I get here?

2. Where am I going?

3. What am I doing?

Conclusively getting you to summarize your situation with the words:

It's all my fault.

Away with that!

What if it's not your fault?!

What if you're just an unsuspecting youth being a target of a world experiment?

Propaganda to rewire your mind to get you to think a certain way?

Why haven't you tried taking it to conflict, slapping the head off the tyrant? Why?

‘Cause you were pre-convinced, it's all your fault.

Yes, and as you retreat, due to your poorly electrified conviction, that they toyed with, there's a midget behind a curtain, laughing you on your way to therapy.

(I personally don't attest to therapy for myself as reading the Torah and writing thesis is my therapy. My doctorate (approval) comes from the Father, not from another mortal flesh-suit who's just like me in the scheme of time)

I have taken you through the masquerading fluff of soft-influencing mental scavengers. Now I'll break down my personal go-to's to slap the head off this invisible midget behind the curtain, ruining your life.

1. The 2 Cs | Curiosity and Counter-intuitiveness.

Thinking the situation backwards. Sometimes the truth that's effectively constructed is the truth that remains. That's why you'll find a lot of people trying to construct a case or a truth on someone's character to drop him off high office.

But how do you know who's legit or who's not?

The Stumbling Block | The Glitch

By walking steps backwards from where you began to stumble. Yes, you're in a mess because of your decisions, because I believe each person's destiny is defined by the decisions he chose to double-down on.

But through the pointers at some point, a negative force, an impostor came along, getting a few more forces to live off your demise, while they always knew the truth. Try to find the physical downer, especially if it's a person using guilt to drain your life out of you.

Guilt and fear are sisters that control any human, simmering him like a fine gravy, fit to be devoured by any dog passing by.

Cut them loose.

2. Study the Torah and the Tanakh yourself.

There's only ONE ultimate truth, but MANY to twist, add and subtract to this ONE.

If you have a deceptive teacher, I'm sorry to say you're going to be mauled really bad.

The commission of the imposters who teach an untrue truth is to feign a reality to be a part of the true remnant of the Creator, because they want in so bad, and yet their heart is in it only for the gain.

That’s an imposter. Claiming to be something or somebody you are not for some gain.

The Torah - teachings and instructions laid out from Genesis to Deuteronomy are all you need to discover how to keep and do in your everyday wake and bake. Do your own research, understand God's heart behind the words in Torah, fear Him, and obey! It is that simple.

3. Pick a side.

I look to zealously worship the Most High and try to be brutally honest in my motives. Many say the right things to Him, but I know He weighs the hearts of those who approach Him, because repentance (Hebrew: Teshuvah) is an always open highway for the ones who want to change and go back to Him.

Isaiah 29: 13-14 JPS Tanakh 1985

"My Lord said: Because that people has approached [Me] with its mouth And honored Me with its lips, But has kept its heart far from Me, And its worship of Me has been A commandment of men, learned by rote— Truly, I shall further baffle that people With bafflement upon bafflement; And the wisdom of its wise shall fail, And the prudence of its prudent shall vanish."

A whitewashed past is not what the Father seeks, but the one who cries out to Him a 100 times and looks to REPENT earnestly with utmost zeal to keep the Torah even better.

4. Student of Curiosity.

I recently fell prey to the planted idea by the wolves, of being incompetent to be Scripturally-sound. I fell prey to a narcissistic organization, (thankfully was saved by the Father from going any further than e-mail communication), mirroring my current beliefs in the most accurate fashion.

I felt, this is it.

But upon uncovering a few layers to my distraught heart, I learnt there was a narcissistic council of scriptural thieves. Emotionally abusing the unversed and gullible and lying their way not intending to keep any of the Laws they preached to practice.

I was quite blown away by the pomp and flatulence, I decided I shall fall behind some more learned folk in the walk, to one day hopefully get half as learned as them.

But turns out they do everything contrary to what they preach, and I was better off with my baby steps in seeking the Creator, with my own sound interpretation and understanding, than be fodder for these preying geniuses, baiting me into a skewed array of questionable footnotes that should truly be underfoot.

They blatantly put themselves in the position of God and emotionally draining and manipulating the eager ones seeking to keep the Truth of the Father by following the Torah.

I noticed the first red flag when the mention of the Father, the Maker, the king of Glory, whom both sides claimed to serve, was pretty lack-lustrous and out of the narrative in their side of the communications and it seemed to be more about the work and efforts of individuals and not the force backing each man up.

I thought to myself, better am I an ant with a little food on my back, and a man less-learned, rather than skew my horizons to match an ‘intellectual’ group of fools.

To be more specific, in my head, a fool is the one who denies, or even underplays, the presence of the True Most High God. Much less a mortal fool with some teachings gathered together from the words of the Most High Himself, of the glorious story of this Great God, assuming their own pseudo-god-like delusions.

Psalm 14 JPS Tanakh 1985 for a picturesque understanding: For the leader. Of David.

"The benighted man thinks, “God does not care. Man’s deeds are corrupt and loathsome; no one does good. Hashem looks down from heaven on mankind to find a man of understanding, a man mindful of God. All have turned bad, altogether foul; there is none who does good, not even one. Are they so witless, all those evildoers, who devour my people as they devour food, and do not invoke Hashem? There they will be seized with fright, for God is present in the circle of the righteous. You may set at naught the counsel of the lowly, but Hashem is his refuge. O that the deliverance of Israel might come from Zion! When Hashem restores the fortunes of His people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice."

Israel, the promised land of the Jewish people

I decided very steadfastly, in any sphere of life, be it the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh) in my spiritual world, tech or business in my physical world. I made a pact with my wife to use our own resources of our Hashem-given abilities and keep sharpening the swords of our minds, rather than being caught in a snare by crafty impostors. Lest we end up in a place where I have to run amok looking for the glitch/the stumbling block that leads me to the dumpster I'm in.

HASHEM is my King.

Curiosity is my teacher.

Speedy initiative is my coach.

My family is my shield and fuel.

The next generation of my household shall be my students.

I shall know no other truth. I shall practice nothing contrary.

If you have eyes to see, ears to hear and a mind to think, Question everything.

Apply the fundamentals of the stuff above to everything, in your faith-life, work life and student life, you shall definitely get somewhere, shoot down the imposters at sight.

Don't ignore the red flags.

Test everything.

The knowledgeable speak a bunch of beans. Yet wisdom inhabits only with the one who knows to apply.

In literal terms,

The definition of wisdom is:

The capacity to apply knowledge.

Without application, you're only a lawless plant taking root in plagued soil with some snuffing-out impostering creepers.

Who's benefiting from the propaganda you're being fed?

Your discernment and wisdom shall answer, if you're asking with the right motives, and if you're obedient to the Torah.

I cannot guarantee success any other way.

Wishing you and your family nothing but the best,


Impound the Imposters

// poetry

False pens of the scholars
Doctrinal goggles of deceit
I'm urging you to ask questions.
While many are handing you receipts.

Don't be a pawn of propaganda
You'll be traded for a queen
Don't be thrown into a line of fire
A good move turns horrendous with one scene.

Jot down your journey
Study the ancient Torah's ways
He doesn't delight in idol-worshipers
He doesn't delight in the sheep that strays.

A flying scroll for the deceivers (Book of Zechariah)
Who steal from the Father's field,
A moth-rotten latter doomsday is written,
For the masquerading lights numerous plagues sealed.


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