// I must keep returning from the dead.
The antichrist illusion synergistic with many illusions
These illusory silos of separation don’t exist,
Many obfuscating elements of doubt and confusion,
Details your systemic lazy eye hath surely missed.
Are you still on your ancestral land......Or did the church send you to levitate in the air by acquiring your land through their many real estate fronts???
...Or did they guilt your forefathers into irrevocably donating their land to them as a form of purchasing an indulgence by this ravenous institution???
Might you want to stay impoverished as you’re being flung like a goat in the sky to be sheared and enslaved?
Do you have any plans of reconquering the land your forefathers have erroneously been duped to concede?
Choose Autonomy, War it out.
Public Brainwashing.
The ridiculously diabolical System.
What is Prosperity?
In primordial times, to be "autonomous" or "prosperous" was to be an inheritor or in possession of a "vine and fig tree", so to speak. It was and is a symbol of freedom, prosperity and abundance.
In India, the largest landowner other than the government is….
The Roman Catholic Church - Rs 20,000 crores - Rs 50,000 crores of land.
The legality of which is still debated.
To re-iterate, a notch higher…
The largest landowner in the world, you may be curious to know?
In the white, as in audacious full view for the world to see, it’s the Roman Catholic Church.
With a whopping 70 million hectares of land.
How did the Catholic Church gain this arm-twisting dominance in a country not theirs?
This is mainly through the Indian Churches Act of 1927, established by the British dominion back then. The British dominion leased the lands they had captured due to their various wars at cheap rates to help them spread Christianity to the masses. Through this, they managed to acquire land throughout India and opened various institutions, be it religious institutions, as mentioned above, to spread their message to the masses. The legality of the land is still debated.
One specific tactic that is noticed in the land owned by the Catholic Church of India is while they do have land spread across various cities, they also tend to own religious institutions in small villages, and soon these institutions themselves become an epicenter, a revolving point around which the whole village operates, either directly or indirectly through say the hospitality business, travels or so on.
Goa is a unique case altogether, considering it was a part of Portugal until 1961. The Portuguese gave them a lot of liberty to the Catholic Church as early as the 1500s, for example. One of the first Jesuit schools in India was established in 1542 at Goa by the name of St. Paul’s College. While it was stopped due to the 1578 plague, its ruins are still considered of paramount archaeological importance.
The ownership of land assets by the Catholic Church in India has been a subject of scrutiny and contention, giving rise to several issues. One major concern is the legality of the Church's land holdings. While the Government of India issued a circular in 1965 stating that leases granted by the British government would not be considered valid, there has been a lack of consistent enforcement of this directive.
But wait, how does a religious organization justify this kind of influence, when all its 100-page Roman document cranks up claims of “A Narrow Path” and "it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"...???
Yes, the rich man, other than the rich industrious, brainwashing empirical establishment this catholic church, is the ancient illusionist propagating and bending truth and funds like none other.
The illusion being their ethos, where in the catholic church and JC is at the epicenter like a Roman Emperor and anyone against the roman oppressive edicts and folklore shall be crucified in like manner as was their imaginary lord and savior.
Perfect horror story to keep insurrections at bay, otherwise the roman blood thirst is always awaiting some kills and new land it may acquire feigning to be peaceful.
Please Constantine/Christ, else he’ll accuse you and then kill you, all because he wanted some “more” land.
Peck the one to stupefy their illusion calling their bluff, and term him or her with a pseudonym, the “anti-Christ”, “Christ-killer”, “666”, and what not.
All because you didn’t do what many have done, bend over to the Roman doctrine, and worship the pope in his little Mercedes popemobile, throw a nickel and call it a day.
I detest their unlawful gains, and such lunatic megalomaniacs don’t know what to do with an autonomous soul like mine, who won’t be lulled down by a silencing and black handshake. The Creator has empowered and taught me and my family the way of integrity and honor, transparency and brutal honesty.
Such intent can’t be contained or killed unless the Creator wills, and till I’m alive, I will avenge every stroke of bad faith by this cancerous institution with its grandiose influence with all I’ve got.
So, the illusion you may ask?
Everything you see, my friend.
In specific, I’d like to proclaim a little memory map before you.
1. Religion-less hidden Crime families
2. Catholic Church, with visible and irritating Catholic Priests, lots of turntable confusion with the many sects and what not.
3. The jitter-jitter curve ball effect: The job opportunities, menial paychecks, electricity cut offs, water supply, real estate projects, all of it… comes from funds laundered by the mega machinery, with a whirlwind of deception and obscure dealings, for the hidden Crime Families that orchestrate systems.
Out of which the most effective system by far has been the guilt inflicting catholic church, trying to psyche the masses and earn a deceitful buck.
If you deny their encroaching cross and conversion…you’ll be called the “Anti-Christ - 666, Illuminati, Devil worshipper and what not”.
Away with that rubbish, these Mafia Mob families cause all this tumult and fire under many men’s bellies and butts to stop their mind from questioning, cause their very next meal is a matter of concern.
All while these hidden Billionaire and arguably Trillionaire families situated in obscure islands, multiply into dynasties with children beyond number and prosperity of many vine and fig trees. Their arms and limbs, the tentacles, the authorities, banks, religion siphon all the tribute they can way beyond the bounds of morality and murder, to conquer for themselves more the merrier lands, islands and what not.
Who’s the 666, “devil” now, huh?
What am I, just a grieved and duped born catholic, “turned autonomous non-religious" a coinage of my own, to keep the code of conduct, living each day with basic morality as I go.
But what the heck are these panzee hidden Crime Families incarcerating us with...???
A poisonous priest with a gruesome and horrific way of a buffeting life worth abandoning...
Where is your vine and fig tree?
Why the heck are you in a unit?
Why the heck can’t you get married without this stupid clown of a priest?
What does he know about marriage?
Why the heck do I have to pay a caterer who’s on a deal with the church?
Why the heck do I book a venue with the church?!
Why the heck do they tell me whom to vote for?
Why the heck do I always pay this institutional Crime Boss through “The Church”?!
Aren’t taxes enough for these rubbish Hidden Panzee families who stay hidden and oppress the masses through the many Sunday masses...??
How much more blood and war do they wish to orchestrate?!
So, here’s the deal, you little sire, who thinks you have a house in the air...
You’re most likely in a unit.
You have some miniature deadbeat pots in place of fruit bearing, grain growing trees.
You know nothing about water supply and drainage.
Your survival skills and shovel has been confiscated by the church that goes by many pseudonyms, identities and secret societies.
You’ve been brainwashed by the control center and media projections into believing you’re prosperous.
But are you really?
You’ve been, as I call it, "unitified", soon you’ll be "carcassified" and eliminated by the same obscure forces of true evil.
The land your building stands on, the same one where you own "a little unit in the air", paying rent, or on a lifelong bank loan for, is the BUILDERS, not yours.
You have signed your life over to the one’s managing your premises.
If they decide to pull the plug on you, you live in darkness, if they choose to cut your water supply in times of crisis, you turn parched and famished.
They cause all these many hiccups and hinderances, for the crime families to build and multiply in serenity and peace.
While you are directed to follow a one child policy!
They built you a disaster prone bicycle that you call life, left you to frantically peddle around and stay busy as they remain centered and focused - building their dynasties by concocting the next illusion, sensationalizing the next big fake news, constructing the next church, laundering the next buck, killing the next farmer, occupying the next piece of land, building the next murderous corporation, “creating employment”, profiteering from the next war.
Philanthropy projects, you may argue on their flank, saying, "But look at the good they do..."
Yeah, now let me dissect that.
The "Trusts", hospitals, blood banks, organ farmers, the same philanthropy?
The grave that they’ve institutionally monopolized, medical tests and check-ups they compel you to fearfully undertake, vaccinations they repeatedly puncture you with, pricking their way into the bloodstream of billions for the "billions."
Orphanages they use as a front to launder money and molest children, traffic anyone and everyone.
Insurances they sell using a pyramid scheme of deceit and deception.
The same philanthropy, yeah, that shit philanthropy tell these hideous bloodthirsty dogs to keep for themselves!
The example of a Real Fraud:
The Catholic Church in India has also faced allegations of involvement in land scams. One notable incident occurred in 2018 when authorities from the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, a specific sect within the Catholic Church in India based in Kerala, were accused of being engaged in transactions involving unaccounted or black money. Such cases have raised concerns about financial impropriety and the need for stricter measures to prevent fraudulent practices.
While all you can think of in your underdeveloped and folly infused skull is “Illuminati”, “666”, “Demon possessed”, “Exorcism”, “Anti Ch*rist.
I say,
The Government are the rule makers, and the Catholic Church are the guilt inflictors.
One infested toe scares you into submission like a little hoodlum, the other guilts you into submission like an ever bereaved cranky and greedy woman concocting tales.
One a fork to stab into the masses, the other the knife of guilt into the masses, both cutlery in the hands of the Mafia Mob Families behind the scenes.
Oh someone, find me my dirtiest shoe...
Their end, you must check in what deathly ways the wicked perish, that’s how struck by an invisible hand they will erode and be dismembered somewhere in their hidden island in a grave smaller than them.
Closing note.
Angel vs Demon illusion, god man / man god illusion, I know to be erroneous and counterfeit to the bone.
I was fooled too, and I don't blame you for hating me to break it down to you, as I would love for someone to set me free from the shackles of a Roman illusion seeking some loot.
There's a simultaneous and intricate math at work, a plan of a neutralizing hammer being honed in motion, to shatter the teeth of the illusionist, breaking the spell and setting the many aggrieved souls free.
It seems the most chaotic and bloodthirsty plan wins in the realm of darkness, but a little glimmer of light breaks forth darkness subtly yet profusely.
The choice is YOURS.
Do you want to bet on enveloping darkness, or do you recognize the power and potency of a ray of light, to tear into the helpless and bound darkness, to be dismembered?
The choice is always yours.