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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Shards of Glass









In short, "The Opposition".

To them, I say:

Ein Od Milvado.

Shards of Glass

Shards of glass I was thrown against,
Grievously afflicted in times past
A bounteous price I had to pay that day
I swore to myself it was the last.

Sirens blared a couple times
Evicted from my nest despite my innocence
I'm a nightmare to accomplish Hashem's will
Bulldozing the wicked one's dreams of evanescence.

The shards of glass
Shards of past
Swiftly nets being laid for my feet
The fabric of the net I outclassed.

The race is not to the swift
But to the innocent from the start
The God of Israel decreed victories for us,
Even when the shards came for my heart.


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