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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Reviewing China's CP Group's Trespasses

My Glassdoor Review, yet to be approved by the great internet gatekeepers, because if you're tortured and a sick billionaire is on your back, using all his resources to silence you, why don't you just go down...shhh, don't speak up..."community guidelines" my foot.

Where was this great community when we were out cold and perishing????? and now, we must censor the truth???? To protect whom??? This billionaire, so that he can ruin more unsuspecting lives??

Anyway, here's our review of the truth:

Pros: "They have a knack for turning everything into a chicken, our careers...."

Cons: "I'm the face of all the dedicated work horses that you crushed and chased after unfairly like a little goon with an army the size of a multitude beyond number, inspired by your decomposing aura.

What can you do?

Kill us?! Like our careers and future that lays dead like the frozen carcass you sell?

I am Death!

And I will ally my dead status with your company for the many employees you've chewed and spat out, who stay “anonymous” ‘cause you're going to stomp on the remnant of their beating heart and pulse.

We're the living dead! The cries of the youth who had anything to do with a sick billionaire like you!

I and my wife (also an ex-employee of these megalomaniacs) will die! BUT not before we lay you bare for the world to see your sinister deeds, not just yours, but also the ultra-rubbish platoon that you mother, like Chulamas Jitpatima and Kasinn Khaowprasert who are rotten to the bone.

The biggest senior executive at the company Mr. Naris, who you’d expect to be at that level and stature because of his talents and professionalism, had great feedback for my wife during her business presentation on stage, he says:


So not shady, and nothing for a woman to feel sexually harassed about :)

Finally, if you’re over-qualified and eager to find a job, and ready to clean the drains and shop windows, and lick every senior executives foot, and sniff the aroma of the dirty paths they’ve walked, stay away from this company as it’s now looking to stretch out it’s claws to the top colleges of India… which makes me wonder why don’t these colleges conduct background checks before throwing us into their hands, or is it all a hand-in-glove game that we’re unsuspectingly caught in….. hmm...

Advice to management: Get out of my country! Go Back to CHINA! And if possible, out of the world! Stop torturing us and your own people on the boat!

Attached, some meticulous feedback that we have managed to string together along with a plethora of additional anonymous reviews and screams of destroyed careers, from the dark oblivion. (courtesy: Glassdoor)

Belt and Siege Initiative ft. ROAD

Puffer Jacket
Jacket Puffer
Beseiging the Valorous
Power cord snuffer.

Buffer Buffer
Neutralizing Handcuffer
Seeking to demoralize.
Antithesis, the Man got Tougher

Huffer Puffer
Empty Whiffing threat
Snapped back with the belt and road
Debtor got, trapped Debt.

My undying spirit leapt
On the bluffer handcuffer
Who was once a renowned power player
Turned out to be a Duffer Bluffer.

Puffer Jacket
Need no thermal sweater
Stiffened my body through the siege
Hashem sent summer to make it better..

Letter letter..
Here's your letter..
The bed he Gloated upon
I see he made it wetter.

Fetter Fetter
Chains and Fetter
System entangled his own feet
Boat turned fleeing ski jetter.


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