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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Opinions & Minions // ft. CP Group

You better don’t have an opinion, minion. 

In my corporate career, with CP Group I realized early on, that having your own voice, your own opinion, your own perspective, is a big NO NO. 

CP Group was the only corporation we worked for, and the experience was so nauseating that we moved on from these bosses who act like slugs, leeches and thugs. 

The company had no plans for us to grow. And that’s okay, as it pays you your salary. No favor, but still, tolerable. 

But what’s not okay is that it had sinister plans to ruin our lives much beyond our careers and work prospects. 

They hired us young with the sole goal to finish us off young.

In the final bout, when my husband wasn’t keeping quite well and had to leave from work seeing nothing at all was happening, kings and queens of complacency were strutting about that deadbeat office, as this company and its treacherous taskmasters had to extinguish our eager, hungry and creative spirits, he left for home, putting himself first, being the autonomous soul that he is. 

Then his perverse power-crazy boss decided he wanted a quick high, and so he calls him up and speaks in a not-so-gentle, rather hostile way, even abusive. 

Again, Joel did not think such a person should have any of his respect and put him in his place on the phone call and went on to write a resignation with granular details about all the torture this man wended onto him. Joel wanted for him to be accountable, apologize, mend his act henceforth, be mutually respectful, or be fired in the flame.

However, the HR of this company asks him to take back the words in his letter and continue going on with matters as they were.

Needless to say, we didn’t take back anything and we left this company for a journey of our own. And now we’re back to speak about things, because what goes around comes around. 


As a minion, you’re expected to think as the company tells you.

As the school tells you.

As society tells you.

There's no place or value for you to carve out your own niche of beliefs and live a life that you choose to craft if you don’t fit into any of the brackets and boxes they created for you to bury yourself into till you’re alive.

Companies like CP Group aim to keep everyone working as slaves, be it on the fish slave boats, or in cubicles. 

They hire and promote loathsome individuals who become enforcers and projectors to project the same controlling, power-crazy, perversely freakish norms onto everyone.

You won’t ever have your autonomy with such an organization breathing down your neck at all times, exercising psychotic Chinese spineless authority, atrociousness of which must not be questioned but borne by the candidate subject to such heinous mental experiments and physical torture.

And such a life is not what we, the Wordsmith’s could stand to live.

And no matter what the internet gatekeepers and international courts dictate, we won’t be moved, even unto death. 

Because when you know, you know.

You can’t unknow, you can’t keep mum.

They cannot stand strong opinions.

They cannot stand a strong individualistic man/woman certain about what they believe in. 

They cannot stand a clear, well-directed mind.

They cannot stand autonomy. 

So they have to destroy the soul of these Winions who don’t submit to tyranny and the system of debaucherous oppression. 

But I say, it’s not up to them. 

They’re nothing.

The power they think is theirs, is allowed them by the Creator.

Their illusions are meant to fail and fall once the Creator says so.

So, remember:

What goes around comes around. 

Don’t be a silly minion without an opinion of your own. 

Be a Winion and win big in life. Don’t be sorry for stepping on a few necks that have it coming for them for their deeds. 

This website came about as a gift from the Creator. We did not know firsthand that the internet is a well-gated portal.

Opinions censored.

Propaganda pushed.

Messages hidden.

Truth concealed.

Debauchery promoted.

So, at we have no word limit to our words. No censorship to our thoughts. No gatekeeper over our souls who wishes us to project a rather dark and sinister mission for his benefit.

It’s where we own our platform and where we are autonomously notoriously free and bold to put out whatever we wish to.


Poised Power

// poetry

Exploring about
Conquering within
It takes a fool to destroy
A battalion to build.

Many a battalion join forces
They join together plotting in vain
Watching others build
Making other's achievements their pain.

They seek to destroy
Devour and kill
Crying like fools
Their tears are a milk spill.

Poised power,
Content mighty men
Eagles don't map out chickens
They ignore every hen.

The chickens are noisy,
The cock crows are loud
The eagle flies too high
For it to be yapping about.

I know your plans
God got all your plays out
You played me the first few rounds,
Get ready to get knocked out.

Letter to the Crime Boss

// poetry

Attack attack the walls
Bring down the fool's house
Keep kicking their offspring
Drag them on the street with their spouse.

This chase has turned sides
You've awakened the pursuer in me
The darkness separating us is coming for you
I'm coming with your bills, now you pay your fee.

All your commands turned to dust
I don't take advice from dung
You'll be blown away into the abyss
You can then call it Fu Kung.

You wretched man with wretched kids
Y'all are all going to be destroyed under one roof,
Don't expect critical acclaim for your legacy,
It will merely be considered a spoof.

We will be winning
You'll be moaning
The experiments are coming for you, my friend.
I'm coming closer to watch you die; I'll delight in your wretched end.

Praises to the Creator
The God who's kept me despite your lies;
You'll sell your children, your establishments crushed,
There will not arise a single dog who buys.


Goes without saying, we don’t promote minions. Don’t go looking to find the films and everything.


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