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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

One Eye Many Lashes

The eyes are an accomplice to the illusion one places before them.

In a blink, the Bluff Master arrests you with a flawed perception and then you live a life in perfect conformity to that schematic of thought conceived by the ravenous and monstrous Bluff Master.

The Bluff Master will use its supernaturally extending and deceitful arm of religion, propaganda and the likes to trap you into pits that have no escape out of.

They fund these makeshift rubbish causes from the valley of trickery and death that craftily curve you into handing over your freedom to them by making you feel that you’re doing just fine.

The world system and its orchestrators.

The game of engineered and planned CHAOS.

The Game of Make Believe.

I'll huff and bluff & ho ho ho ! blow you away.

It's a systemic schematic, well corroborated and sculpted figure head of a fierce Bluff Master.

The problem with your eyes is that its busy hand counting the deceitful eyelashes of this monstrous and appalling system that plucks onto the emotional jukebox and tunes your eyes into illusions from the emotional prism.

When you're angry, everything's RED.

When you're sad, everything's BLUE.

When you're connecting stuff, there arises an endless bandwagon of distorting distractions dwindling the awakened FEW.

When you're confused, it's a perfect intertwining synonymous to a HUE.

The greatest delusion is within you, and now all the bluff master needs to do, is sell you a PIT as an ELEVATOR to the skies and its mischief managed.

Miscellaneous questions:

Can you bet on the truth you know to be true?

Do you stand on level ground or are you tilting towards a pit that's appearing to be an escalator?

Are the world empires rushing to hand you the truth, without a sleight of hand, to get you killed, but pose to be your salvation?

Should you question everything you know to be true?

Everything you see...Everything you know...

Everything they've dominantly suggested you must be.

I call out the bluff of the SYSTEM and its many proxies.

The hideously humongous singular bloodshot eye with its many eyelashes.

Snap Snap! Your bluff has been stupefied.

Adapt to Change.


Capitalize on the inertia of the Free Breeze.

Life and Times of an Artistic Sage.

Ups and Downs of an Artistic Page.

Introducing A&J Stage.

A Page That Speaks.

// poetry

A wisping leaf
I am a page
You seek to crumple and doodle on
Stuck in a hard bound book cage.

The page flew upon a stage
The destined east wind sent me away
A mundane and cyclic corporate cage
Formal shoe marks on stage did the page lay.

Awaiting another breeze to happen upon me
The page couldn’t wait to topple the paperweight
On the next flight the once bitten page…
Flew above and mocked the next paper bait.

The slave drivers paper hate
With knives gripped behind their back they wait
The page has no plans to stop swerving the Creator’s breeze,
They’re going to be forehead marked with a Zech.Paper.Mate.


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