Name of the game - Resilience.
So, my friends, these are my gleanings from the racecourse of life that I'm not competing in, but racing on a parallel course that goes through the sidelines, competing from the shadows, that you know nothing about. I'm my own competition, timing my laps, girding my sword of wisdom and pressing forward.

The enchanting darkness of privacy, where you can't see the other side.
It's a high risk - high reward path, but nevertheless I shudder the nervousness, 'cause my God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth is with me.
I'm in my stealthy outfit, black on black, nothing to lose, no one to prove anything to, only a pursuit to see the end of things.
Brutality is a mandatory episode that comes for me in the darkness, but again a hedge of divine protection saves the day and I press forward, hoping for the Red Sea to part, calling on to the Creator in every dead end, surrounded by perils unseen, covert and deathly.
I don't deal in lies; infact I go the very opposite direction wherein I swim with the brutality of esoteric truth. The narrow river channel to the ocean, not forgetting the lessons I learnt in the constricted path of the rivers.
Yet I press forward.
My confidence is in the anonymous Supreme God, who keeps me unscathed, who effortlessly brings to nothing the plans of many wicked.
The God of the hills and dales, one forays through life.
He's limitless, unquantifiable, righteous, ever loving and truly a generous king, who upholds my steps and keeps me from stumbling in my most drowsy fatigued moments of going through these dark waters.
We, the human race, are great in prosperity, but lack character in adversity, capitalized upon and sold a dream, a puff of vapor we reap, with the superficial seeds we plant.
I learnt we must visualize this existence outside of time and space.
Circumstance and other variables can't really conquer you, death is the only fatal outcome, which paves way for a life pursuing autonomy, even if you do die for being authentic to who you are and who you wish to become.
Pleasing the Creator with all your might inevitably develops character. Our choices in accordance with a strong conscience tether us to the path of integrity, where all our choices are set-apart from the world around us.
In our dark times, which will be many, we must choose a trajectory that will keep us afloat and save us from many troubles.
I view time as a scale, circumstances fade in and fade out, but the character I display in the worst times and if I manage to survive with the least scars after being mauled on every side, truly determines if I've made it big or not.
Success is relative.
If standing against tyranny and oppression gives me greater satisfaction, I'd rather do that then.
I know my Creator will provide me with the best of the land's produce when I'm mature enough to handle the blessings He entrusts me with for stewardship.
I learnt in my dark times, as I have earlier witnessed in mixed martial arts, when my backs against the wall and I'm thrown to the ground, being kicked relentlessly by people much powerful than me, to bury me alive...
What do I do?
I pause, I tighten my core, I close in and take all the shots and I pray like I'd be reestablished one last time, to take down the entire stage of flagrant pawns embodying corruption with me.
If I prematurely try doing too much while I'm on the ground, I'd have ruptured organs and internal bleeding, which is fine if I managed to cause maximum damage to the opposition, but if not...
I center all my energy in surviving the dark moments, in peace and quiet, while they stomp at me with all they've got.
Patiently waiting for my turn.
The Come Back.
It's never really over till you're dead.
Each day is a new life to get back stronger, dig deeper and build taller.

I've been taught to not go down without putting up a fight. We must die trying.
In our uphill climb against the grain, even if we are surrounded on every side by enemies outnumbering us like sand on the seashore.
We must be convicted in our stance to prevail, defying all laws of Physics.
The only strategy being, guerilla warfare and ultra offense, and above all Trust in the justice of the Supreme, despite the circumstance enveloping us, knowing He keeps justice & equilibrium, we can conquer.
Keep pressing forward against the swarming armies of opposition and don't let the fire within you be quenched.
Sparks fly, and so do the enemies, when they can't handle the heat and the God that backs the valorous & autonomous.

The autonomous misfits are in the epicenter of the matrix, the arrow tip of the human race.

A small note containing the template that I would like to hand you from the shadows.
The Creator didn't get you so far for nothing. But the Creator got your very powerful enemy this far to destroy him.
Spark to Flame, it's all the same.