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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Hate Speech - The Circus of HippoCrazy 🤡

Under GUILT point, what do I do?! Mom, they’re calling me hateful….

Aaaahhhh! Guiltshots.

P.S. HippoCrazy is a pseudonym for hypocrisy that plagues the best of us, an embodiment of a devious society that pounces onto us and seeks to leach onto us and fog our souls from time to time.


// poetry

A guild of vampiric forces
A guild of leeches with their many fronts
The one earnestly in servitude to the system,
Bearer of many displaced brunts.

The guild is a master of deception,
Builds bunkers of Religion, Government, Corporations & Academics
Needless to say, the blood and organ farmers
The soul fleecing double-faced paramedics.

With a crafty sleight of hand
Imputing policies and laws from the snake fang
Shooting with a machine gun of hypocrisy
At the equilibrium of insurrection bang bang.

This Hippo loves the mire
The swamp of his own diabolical laws
For these counterfeit cards of policies favoring cowardice
He seeks a reverberating round of applause.

He sacrifices his own fronts like pawns
To trade the mighty unquestioning minion for a queen;
When things go south, he cries “Hate Speech”,
Mischief managed, the cheapjack magician fled the scene.

Welcome to the Circus of HippoCrazy 🤡
Where the filthiest Hippo sits on the chair
The one’s that rebel get heavenly stars on their shoulder
The Hippo specifically penalizes the conformists that care.

Hippo with a fragile hold on the throne
Looks for swamps to hide the dirt like an old bone
HippoCrazy seeks to romanticize with a new clown daily
Has many impounded with a hefty Hippo-sized loan! 💸

The best illusion is delusion.

The delusion that “they”, the system generated singular code engraved into humanity.

If you, keep an illusion alive, you support the illusion by living a delusion.


It’s a trap door through trickery.

Kill Delusion, stupefy the illusion.

I believe "Hate Speech" is a biased sword in the hands of the megalomaniac who's conveniently seeking impunity for his diabolical antics.

A legal system that serves a sinister guild of vampirical forces are always the Hero in their own narrative.

I believe, starting an argument into oblivion leashes humanity away from the realm of truth seeking and takes human life to be incarcerated by hoodlums placing illusions of a just justice system.

The real question?

The death blow of all questions:

Is justice truly upheld by any government of the world?

Or is it just a means to enforce yet another idea of a peace and just doctrine or religion to CONTROL the world...?

Is it just a means to weaken the convictions of the masses to serve the higher-ups who author full blown violence... both mental and physical…

So essentially, my own final deduction of the "Hate Speech" narrative...

"Hate Speech is a method of vicious lawmakers and monarchs conveniently crying foul when you hammer truth into their bedrock of deception and illusions of them being just." Got it.

Some things can't be controlled, doesn't matter how much this systemic giant cries foul when it's decimated.

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