Guiltless Guillotine // Part 1
Player 1 coerced into a fist fight with Player 2, Player 1 punches player 2 in the nose, to survive the evil spell of the treacherous Player 2.
Player 2 Wallows and throws a tantrum as it lay convulsing on the ground, when the evil it posed to project on Player 1 snapped back on his own head.
Player 2 projects guilt onto Player 1, for winning.
But Player 1 must remember this same Player 2 is a little shite who started this whole war, and that it wouldn't be this way in the first place. Player 2 would be gloating if they won, but the tears of this vicious snarling crocodile, are just ‘cause they lost.
Key take away: Bunch of sore Player 2's in life.
Guiltless Guillotine
// poetry
Projected Guilt
Strangulates a soul
Deviously radiated onto a target,
Torturous tongs, then a burning coal.
The oldest guillotine
Harnesses and tethers you by the throat
Making you guilty for eliminating backstabbing killers in your corner,
Feel oh-so-guilty for the one waiting on your demise to gloat?
Back and forth, back and forth
A pendulum between 2 ends of confusion
In times of clairvoyance, pendulum frozen in time,
At one extreme end meets clarity past the illusion.
Don't let those ramshackle guilt-bearers parade
The weasels looking to infiltrate and betray!
Through preemptive strikes coerce their crafty hand,
Complacently caught in their own guillotine these envious haters stay!