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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

GIVE to Caesar what's Caesar's!

The Roman Catholic Church!

Modern day Caesar in disguise.

Fasten your seat belts, put your tray chambers up!

It's time for some Roman Catholic Turrrrrbulllennceee!

Missionary mode on!

Give, give, give...keep giving to Caesar what’s Caesars.

Yeah, a resounding slap.

That's what's Caesar's, for off-loading this refuse of a doctrine as he goes by like a franchise of sewage gutters.

The Roman Catholic Church, phew, what a bottomless pit — to quote them in their own words.

One mighty collage of Caesar, soft programming and soft influencing us “to believe” on the basis of a hundred-page booklet, through poetic spins of deceitful fast bowling.

A really disrespectful parody of the true faith called Judaism.

Seems like antisemitic thoughts crystallized for years on end, to cause holocaust upon holocaust against Jews across the world with the cancerous beliefs of — "everyone serve the Roman empire."

It’s amazing to witness a blood dripping, world conquering empire that should have nothing to do with claims to “holiness”, waltz its nationalistic parade into an invented religion to worship a man/man-god with crafty parables of lies and a doctrine that screams — Kill the Jews for killing christ. The entire “New Testament” is such a pro-roman document that once you see it, you cannot unsee it. It’s epic.

What about the Romans?

The clean hands of Pilate.

Him wanting to release JC.

The dreams of his wife.

The centurion declaring faith and giving testimony upon testimony.

And the cake on the cherry? The young man flees naked.

And what about the Jews?

Handing over JC ruthlessly.

Yelling crucify him!

Denying their salvation sent from above.

Mercilessly denying “their lord”

Conspiring day in and day out to kill JC.

Not believing in JC even till today and are not sorry about it.

The simple truth as to why Jews do not believe in Jesus?

Leviticus 20:2-5:

"Say to the people of Israel, any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I myself will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given one of his children to Molech, to make my sanctuary unclean and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech, and do not put him to death, then I will set my face against that man and against his clan and will cut them off from among their people, him and all who follow him in whoring after Molech."

Jeremiah 19:5:

"…and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind—" 


He, in fact, in Torah has a commandment that no one must offer their children as a burnt sacrifice or any sacrifice. The man who would do such a thing had to be KILLED.

Such a dirty and mental act could NOT be ignored by the rest of the people.


There is a very big difference in animal sacrifices and human sacrifices.


So, the claim of Rome that "JC was a sacrifice for sins that made us right with God" is actually a big and brazen lie. It actually puts you in opposition to the God you claim to serve.

And it’s okay if you want to be sinking in this garbage heap of rubbish. Do not, for once think presumptuously, that the Jewish people are "blind" for not believing this nonsense of human sacrifices.

They are not blind but in complete tandem with the words of the Most High written in Torah.

The ones holding to a 2000-year-old petty newfound document with contradictions more numerous than the sands of the seashore as a basis for their faith are the ones blinded to the words of the Most High at Sinai, running around town converting sane people to a mental doctrine which lets them do just about anything.

Friends, you don’t need religion to give you the permission for living a wild life. Just go about and live that life because you want to do that. Don’t hold the Hebrew Scriptures and be witnesses against the Almighty God while you do that. Please.

The New Testament / The document with many mouths

There are countless other wayward theories in the “new roman testaments” which is a document with many mouths, contradictory to Torah and itself.

But for now, this infested doctrine of a human sacrifice that is inconsistent with Torah is enough to defrock this dirty doctrine of deceit and delusion.

Many thieves are warming their pulpit palms on the fire of the Jews. The Torah — the burning bush that our forefather Moses witnessed.

And then quite vehemently parade around using this borrowed heat, to return with a doctrine to burn the Jews. Quite an ungrateful move there! Don't teach your forefathers with direct Israeli lineage to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob how to worship THEIR God.

This covetous Roman conqueror's mentality has got to stop. Trying to own another man's house and telling him how to run his own household and how to worship the God of his ancestors with a little toy holy water sprinkler, in your hands, soiling the place up with this water-soluble venomous doctrine, used to conquer and convert not just Jews, but every religion.

Boundary blind, constantine encroaching…oops, I mean *constantly encroaching someone else’s boundary lines with the missionary evangelizing.

Calls for a reverberant slap.

The evil-eyed Roman Catholic Church parades around quite brazenly and unabashedly calling the Jews blind when they have zero factual evidence, claim or rationale to back up this statement.

If you want to win an argument with that deceptive lying sham of a Roman-infected polytheistic booklet you need to know better and come up with your own innovative scriptures. Don’t base it off the Torah and then seek to override it.

If that's what blind means, it's better to be blind Jews with the authentic instruction of Monotheism from our One and Only God and Creator Hashem, than go around with a squeaky-clean cloak lying your teeth away and converting the poor from India and Africa, and the world for a bag of rice.

Stop spilling the gospel — an antisemitic book, telling the Jews how to worship the God of Israel.

To be Israel, you have to submit to Israel's ways, you can’t waltz your way in with some Caesar nonsense and antisemitic remarks with a fictitious superman character telling the Jews how to be more Jewish.

This spin ball will definitely snap back onto the one's spreading the cancerous antisemitic polytheistic doctrine that denies almost every malpractice it undertakes on a daily basis.

Same old —

“We don't worship,

We venerate.”

The next thing you look, and you find these pious gangsters face first in the dusty ground for some coin.

So, what is “Give to Caesar what's Caesar's?”


It is nothing but Caesar's conquering battle cry to give him your EVERYTHING.









We defy this overbearing and over encroaching disrespectful Roman Catholic Garbage!

A disclaimer:

This is for the leadership and the pastors and the leaders of these institutions who continue to teach and spread this lie as though it were the truth and when we say Roman Catholic Church, we refer to it and any and all sub-sects it franchises into, such as Christianity, Protestantism, Messianic Hebrew Movements, etc. etc., any and all who call and hold to that Roman document (new testament booklets) as the truth and seeking to convert Jews to the lies they believe in.

The solution:

For us, we decided to throw the unnecessary garbage out and embrace monotheism as it is without the added drama and accounts of confusion. We adopted monotheistic Judaism and its ways and threw out the “new” testament that we found dubious for more reasons than one can count on their toes and fingers. That was enough for us to call it quits with this roman fictitious tale tattling on the premise of “let’s conquer by painting the most evil picture of the Jews, and let’s do that by usurping their faith and scriptures”. We read the Hebrew Scriptures of the Jewish people, which is called the “Tanakh” with utmost respect and we take the words of the Torah of God given at Mount Sinai very seriously and we believe that is the best way to be obedient to the Most High God and respectful to the Jewish people. That’s what worked for us. That’s where we fit perfectly. It’s the ONE God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is none other. He is the only rock and we stand as witnesses to that truth as the Zecharyahs. 



Caesar's NEW Salad

Caesar's Salad
This apparent little white lie
Rotten on the inside
Covertly wishes for the Jews to die.

Like a cancerous sore
Sticking on to the Torah
Roman Catholicism a feeble stick figure
Ten degree worse rebellion than Korah

Making suffering noble
For a fictitiously invented god man
To find the Truth in the NEW pages
Easier to look for the blades on a high-speed fan.

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