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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Shakespeare, FakeSpear or ShakeFear?

Threatened FakeSpear. Church-sponsored Author.


Shaking In Fear.

My oh, My oh Dear...

The Conversion story to Christianity wasn’t clear.

Did everyone else see the conversion gimmick or am I the only Truth Seer?

What's a Catholic Priest?

A man who started off as a mousy boy, too afraid to chart out a path of travail and strife like the rest of us.

So, what does he do?

Take a lousy-mousy bell in his hand, rings it a couple of times during "service" and acts like he's more righteous than us.

Because a path of developing a real skill, trade and talent could result in "possible" failure.

The risk we all regular civilians take when we pursue a professional calling.

The priest however, not so.

Once mousy boy turns priest, he gets an unlimited supply of chicken, fish, meat, alcohol, women, boys, and other abominable desires of his to be satiated for being an Atychiphobic. (Fear of Failure)

A mousy turned winning mousy, camping on everyone’s cashflow.

Think about it.

Meanwhile, call and brand everyone else "evil", "heartless", "emotionless", "wicked"...

...And siphon and project every insecurity the priest deeply embodies onto the rest of the world, who manned up and paved the path of highest resistance.

'Cause thanks to these mousy priests, all the paths of least resistance are taken...

The map to hidden Pleasure Planet, Planet Pleasure?

Ask your friendly neighborhood priest.

To summarize.

How to be a priest?

Hide behind some flimsy bells, and mousy water. Splash some mousy water around, pick up your satchel and begin converting.

A massive incentive for a soul.

Come on, throw the mousy water around with some panzee priestly force! And act like everyone's "unsaved", "demonic" and "possessed".

'Cause we, the mousy priests, need to do the saving around town.

We the mousy priests need to "counsel" the distressed lost sheep.

We have the magic bell and water in satchel.

Brace yourself.

Steps to winning if you're a mousy priest:

1. Join the priestly panzee force.

2. Put up a holier-than-thou front, with an expression that you're a pony straight out of heaven and everyone's "Unsaved".

3. Compete your heart out and strike deals like a little mousy from under your bunker.

4. When you lose like thrash and begin getting mauled publicly...

*Drumroll for these mousies *


And you were just some mousies who've dedicated their lives to some holy mission.

Give me a break you lousy-mousies!

You'll now call me evil, sinner, possessed, unsaved, blind, and that panzee thing that makes you feel better about your lie of a life, called "Lost Sheep".

Ka-Ching away somewhere else with your little bell and mousy water, you mousies.

Some of us have to earn our spot to be anything in the real world.

Sharpening and perfecting authentic talents, you see...

We can't hide so well behind a mousy act and get praise for it. We leave the lousy-mousy spot to you.

So... I'm evil, wicked and the likes in Planet Mousy.

Do something about it.

Addressing you because you're making my life your business behind those mousy desks on mousy calls trying so hard, to cause a hindrance that's recoiling in mortifying proportions onto your own skulls. Hahaha.

So, back to the defrocking of FakeShear, FakeSpear, FollyDear, ShakeFear, FakeSpear, HERE! The Middle Ages propaganda archives we studied in our secular school curriculum for no reason at all.



// poetry

The deluded sword
Used the Pen to convert,
Conversion expert’s pen shaking around,
This propagandist thought I avert.
The world, and their pound of flesh
What about conversion for a bag of rice?
Instead of keeping their nose in their sockets,
Gutenberg Vatican Press added some sinister spice!

Getting quite stiff when I upload an article
Like I am the over-stretching expert?!
It’s always the free-spirited ones being painted evil,
What about Fakespear the Pervert?!!!

Enforcing greatly infused catholic curriculums
Literature, hospitals, everything Fakespear’s playground.
Everyone truly just comes back for what's theirs,
Whenever anyone is blessed, Fakespear has covetously frowned.

Fakespear was a scumbag
Over glorified malicious thought,
His pen was programmed into perversion,
Just another church-sponsored bot.

Like a drain why does all the water
Get bent towards the gutter of Fakespear?
I got the part where they decided to paint everyone else evil,
But the logic behind Conversion to Christianity isn’t clear.

What a half-witted witness!
Counterfeit Portia turning random dude,
Liar and cross-dresser arguing a case,
Crazy Portia breaking into a random feud.

Wasn't it Portia casually storing a human skull?
In one of the treasure boxes as a blind date bachelorette...
Remember, this unreliable & deranged woman is "storing skulls"?!
Why is a potential murderer arguing a case of debt?

Just a poetic spin…
Cutting the Shaking Fin
Maliciously silky soft money pouch
Built on the world's bleeding chin.

Ka-Ching Ka-Ching
Conversion for Coin
I have no donations to give you,
I’m blitzing autonomous to the loin.

Just a random slap back for the narrative,
"Antonio" Guterres is a filthy front from the united UN table.
Once FakeSpear is gasping for air after this,
They’ll spin another lunatic fable.

Alas, just a Fakespear fiction,
Why am I looking for sense in the fool?
Causing a divisive riot by soft programming,
Behind offertory money does Fakespear drool.


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