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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Does Alma Matter?

No, it only makes the growth curve flatter.

This inspirited read is for all the DISRUPTORS out there. Because if you’ve complacently settled as a cog into this deathly and deceitful system, you won’t resonate with these hard-hitting words.

Story time.

I went to Don Bosco High School Matunga, Mumbai and my wife and I both shared a pretty destined happenstance of somehow landing in an old, rugged structure Xavier's, Mumbai.

The rigged drain of secular institutions that monopolizes placements, so that once you make something of your life, it can swoop into the scene to collect your accolades and laurels it tried its last cellular strength to delay and terminate if possible.

Proclaiming, it made you who you are!




"It" taught you the nuances of being successful.

"It" had a hand in building your Ark to affluence.

Both Anisha and I had nothing to do with Mass Media, Journalism, Cinematography, Movie Making, Artificial Intelligence expertise and the likes in our college courses… Yet above the subjects in my course, I, Joel, wear a coat of concepts under my sleeves, poems waiting to be inked, dreams waiting to be manifested and new technologies waiting to be harnessed.

And Anisha dons the designer's hat with her spectacular expression through color and dynamic website development, film making, photography, creative storytelling, any and all forms of designing, managed under her domain.

However, we press forward, self-taught in the confidence and strength of the Creator, who gives us the abilities to stand tall and show up in front of anyone or any system, for them to be shredded and humiliated by breathtaking visions their minds couldn’t fathom.

Secular school & college is only a rigged heap of an institutional matchbox that seeks to contain you like a cold matchstick that shall never light.



This rubbish curriculum and books you read, are definitely intricately examined before they're compiled with a 'sauce of confusion', to never let you reach an optimal view of things.

Every year you show up to some torturous conveyor belts called "secular school & college" to be programmed with some secular s**t, post which you'll stop pursuing your intuition and calling altogether.

The game of the clock going tick and then this scarcity mindset of producing a pessimistic bot.

Good luck to finding any of your talents still working inside you, if you continue to lend any faith or nickels to this institutional mental conveyor belt, forging a horrifying reality as a life for you, and pulling the blinds in such a way on your sorry soul that you'll think that it was you who were the problem all along.

And then?



If you're not a blue-blooded cult family kid, be prepared to war like you've never before to achieve anything under this systemic arm-rigging and maintaining surveillance on opportunities, that can, and most certainly will bend towards the nepotistic clown of their liking.

Chances are, the batch mate richer than you with a rich pop, will be the next rich pop, and chances are you will be right where you are, and the following generations from your household will likewise float on a flatter wave of growth just like you!

If you comply to this fake refuse, these schools and colleges give out deals and leak out information, teachers leak out most probable question papers to the rich students.

Tongues meeting the backs of many thighs, notes touching hidden pockets and that's the result of which you live as an unsuspecting idiot, who isn't thinking shrewder, smarter and like an "injustice killer".

Then, after you circumvent all this nepotism, and when the Creator's destiny for you unravels itself and once they're done doing every possible thing to assassinate you with your destinies when you're on your come-up and don't align yourself with them, they malign you behind your back as they subtly try to coerce you into a rubbish deal with them.

At worse you share your accolade with this squeaky old rugged institution like Xavier's College who puts you in deeper predicaments than you can imagine, but seeks to share credits to build the "virtues" in you and blames your so called "non-compliance" no bullshit attitude on "your character", painting you with an evil spectrum of color, but always opening a back door to cut a crappy deal to fall behind this gravity called "Schooling and University".

If I could unschool and uncollege myself, I would, 'cause these places rub your brain with some menthol infused balm for years with some archaic curriculum that teaches you to program a calculator in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.

How a man does anything is how he does everything.

So, if an old rugged and haggard demented institution doesn't conduct structural repairs when its frail structure is standing on a baby toe, I don't think this old rubbish needs any applause from very driven, astute and brutally honest people like my wife and me.

The drinking water fountain will bless your stomach with plagues powered by paramoecium science hasn't begun drawing yet.

That's a good place to start.

Or rather uproot this complacent structure hanging on a brittle strand called "Pride".

Take your snooty autonomous rubbish and be gone.

Remember, true autonomous souls like us, whose autonomy this old stinky squeaky institution is encamped upon, are born to take chances.

Chances you'd never take in your cowardice.

The hands we play you're envious of in your cowardice.

We're forced by the Creator to take Chances, as your complacency dances.

From Cowardice you were birthed, to cowardice you shall return.

From very practical first-hand experiences of life, we came to find that what you learn in your school/university curriculum is very redundant and offers ZERO help to the real-life situations you face in life.

What this bot-like curriculum does do is transform you, more like transmutes you from a thoughtful human into a programmed and unquestioning bot to work at one of these proxies they call “companies”, “startups”, “MNC’s” and lands you a job at a post under the sole of this machinery that runs the world.

But if you use your brains a little, you realize that these jobs are worthless milestones being sold as diamonds, where they, "the system” unapologetically use you in the prime years of your life when you’re full of vigorous zeal, and once they squeeze you dry like an orange, they give you the retirement letter and ask you to take a hike, as they scoot for more valuable souls to fleece, just like you.

This retirement deal is applicable only in some rare cases these days. With the lay-offs and the quick deals they’re dishing out, you get squeezed way before retirement, and you’re quickly disposed of into the dishwasher to be tossed and turned in a state of confusion.

Then after you decide to kick this system with all its deals out of your life, you turn disruptive and chart out a rather autonomous route, like us.

Now, when you make it, these "alma meddler in maters" hop back into the scene and try to steal your limelight like they had something to do with your success, like they made you.

But they didn’t.

Why do we love a "system" that doesn’t love us back? The moment they set the rules and said GO! we, the masses, grabbed our sacks and started running this race like workhorses slaving away, whilst these master masons sit away on a cool breezy mountain-top laughing at our gullibility and subsequent misery.

For instance, I, Anisha, had this teacher heading the BMS department in Xavier's, who, after my first ever presentation, brutally insulted me and laughed at me in an attempt to crush me before I could learn the game and come for her with all my artillery.

(She must still be out there crushing some young student's confidence holding some teeny-weeny marks as collateral.)

Unfair battle these alma maters and their untalented platoons are used to. Destroy you before you can begin to flap your little wings. Before you even start.

But now, I really hope these almas just back off and have the shame to not approach me thinking I’ll be stuck in the niceties of not knowing how to tell them to buzz off.

I’m not secular.

I’ll tell it to you on your face.

Don’t try me.

Now, to you systemic warriors, we could be sounding “ungrateful”, but we cannot be biased and be labelled as “gullible stupid liars” you see. No apologies for honesty.

By no means are we telling you to not educate yourself. Only an idiot seeking for some imaginary conspiracy theories would read that into this intelligent write-up.

What we’re saying is, there are other legitimate ways to coach yourselves and your children, routes that are way better than teaching your kids trigonometry, matrices, and archaic history that’s not even relevant to them.

And in any case, if those approaches aren’t for you, don’t blindly put your faith into these institutions that manufacture one size fits bots. Their mission is to dull down the geniuses of tomorrow. Just take all you can from these gatekeepers of education and don’t feel guilty about it, as you’re anyway paying a huge chunk for them to make you a complacent screw.

So, that should be more than enough.

Let them not claim what you become as a product they authored.

The Flamboyant Fly

// poetry

I flew
More like I flied
I grew
Then had to hide.

Like a fly I flied,
Moving In and Out
Conquering spaces,
Buzzing out the doubt.

The fly
Atleast it flies;
The mosquito sucks you out
Your very blood over, it spies.

The fly
Flies well
The mosquito is lazy
It never makes it past the first spell.

We're no wizards
We're no witches
You sorcerers are the dead dogs
The covetous birches.

I rather be a fly
Swift and quick
Than be hungry like a mosquito
And get snuffed out like a wick.

You can't catch me
I'm a fly
I'll fool you into killing me
My deceit don't you buy.

A fly,
Atleast it flies.
Spell bound fools run off a cliff chasing it,
The plot is a cliche, the fool always dies.


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