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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Dismember & Dethrone

Since 5 years.

Brutally resisted abusive authority by little cowardlings who call themselves by splendorous titles in the world under heaven.

They "attempted" to chase me down, from every place that I seeked to inhabit and build upon. Got me to choose between the worse choices for my life.

Attempted to cause disharmony in my personal life.

Covetously attempted to camp up on the prosperity I may possibly have in the coming years.

These astrological whimsical ludicrous human beings, camped up on my plate, when it had posed no threat to their lives in any way.

They did it just for fun.

I mean what can two 20 something year olds do in return?

But guess what, passed all thresholds of pain and torture, you learn a thing or 2 from these clowns behind the curtain.

You learn to psyche them, maul them, humiliate them, destroy them beyond their aching loins. You learn to dissect their egos, fragment their honour and feed the skeletal of the last of their remains to the birds of the air.

You learn to return burn for burn.

Then you grow.

For a stab you return a mega reciprocation of their frailty being paraded in your hand.

'Cause, if a little hideous python begins coiling itself around you, to intimidate you that too when it has a crafty and ferocious leopard to back it up...

...You do whatever it takes to slaughter the Python's head and jumble the Leopard's spots.

We, the Wordsmith's, have mutated through oppression.

Screw the international law or any hypocritical law, that lacks a hard cheek under its thigh to maintain equilibrium in the justice system.

These are the very international law makers that masquerade around town begging for money for problems they’ve engineered into society.

The very one’s selling phenyl cola in plastic bottles crying out against "climate change".

Whispering, pay me - donation link.

The very one’s covertly investing in arms and ammunition manufacturing.

Whispering, pay me - donation link.


The very lousy mousy catholic priest in civil clothes, scattered abroad to pollute the place up with their agenda of "conquer through the peaceful cross and shoot with the ePistle".


The very panzee priestly force in many costumes civil and spiritual, playing the exorcist in every Hollywood movie, yet the most hideous demonic manifestation is your friendly neighborhood priest possessed with greed and hypocrisy.

Buzz off from here… shoo.

The next time you filthy reptiles leaking venom as you sniff your plastic bags in the gutter decide to make it your business when a duo of eagles are flying by you...

Know that we'll grab you by your neck take you into the sky and fling you in spaces you haven't imagined.

By changing the game.

Now before you call us "bloodthirsty", when your lower antenna of thought can't grasp poetic metaphorical ways of speaking....


"Do frisk and examine these words with a poetic lens, and not an animalistic sense for once, before you act like a total lunatic when someone gathers the courage to speak the truth and you can't gather composure and "grace" to hear it through your ears habitually tuned with hypocrisy."


There’s a winner and a loser in every game.

No different in the game of life.

As for me, I got caught in an unusual play-off, where,

- I didn’t know my opponent/s

- ⁠I didn’t know the rules

- ⁠Heck, I didn’t even know I was playing!!!

You’d think,



But turns out, there exist some invertebrate and insecure small minds who want to be monarchs and have world domination, these entities cannot handle any sort of contesting to the throne.

So, they tend to eliminate their competition at sight, before they can take root with the sole goal of securing their little ranch.

I myself was dismayed when I witnessed this grandiose display of cowardice by these mini coopers.

But in the game of life, turns out, it doesn’t matter what you don’t know.


What counts is what you do know, and if that’s the truth or not.


Which is why in the middle of game time, I was taken by the Creator on a long journey to discover something that’d declare me the undisputed winner in this match on this chequered chessboard against vicious and depraved grandmasters.

The simple and obvious cipher.

Knowing the Creator and serving Him alone through basic morality and ethics.

I quickly huddled up and got back to play the game.

I’ve not come unmindful this time around.

I’ve come bending the rules.

Not relying on cheat codes.

Declining any tap-outs.

Rejecting deals to agree to a match fix.

Shattering the system.

Slaying the biased and roguish referees.

Rejecting the foul planted teammates.

Reversing the status quo.

Decimating my opponent’s mind and foiling all his moves and serpenty flairs.

The game is over.

There’s a deafening silence from my opponent’s end.

Now I’m awaiting the official edict from Heaven to announce the uncontested winner.

Eye for Eye

// poetry

I'm a hated dude
For the business I've yet to do...
For the child I've yet to have...
For things I didn't yet do.

I was pecked out before
I could offend
I could press send.
I could begin to lend.

I was almost slaughtered for...
Seeking the Supreme God,
Refraining to respond violence with an applaud,
Not accepting their imaginary savior and lord.

I will not care about any
Hypocritical International or Local Law
When a biased one camps on my miniscule flaw
When my throat has a Leopard's Paw.

Survival has always been bleak...
With brutal honesty do I speak
I used to be a gentle mouth before
Now it's a sharp young, blooded beak.


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