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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Decrypting Messianic Judaism's Catholicism

There is this oft-ignored movement that goes forth from catholicism that slips off mention that surfs on a rather lopsided wave. That is the Messianic Judaism/Hebrew Roots/Hebrew Christians/Torah-observant Messianics — and any and all names that they go by. What they are essentially, in one descriptive line - an off shoot of Catholicism.

This group and its leaders send you off on a quest, letting you embark into a paradise of never-never-land where there is NO reward at the end of the race. Getting you to connect the ‘old’ with the ‘new', like there can be any similarities between chalk and cheese. Baselessly and aimlessly looking for parallels in parables that don’t exist, keeping your eye and focus off the Torah which must have unequaled prominence in our lives.

If the 10 Commandments were 10 steps, you’ll be falling face-first in the very first one. Their job is to trip you up on the first step itself, which states - "You shall have NO OTHER GOD BESIDES ME (HaShem)."

This movement is a brawler. There is NO compatibility between Catholicism and all the denominations they branch out into, and the monotheistic faith of Judaism.

The moment they confuse you with the extra-terrestrial Roman testament, you break the first two commandments that states HASHEM is ONE.

I’d suggest you ask your learned leaders for a valid explanation of the being/deity of Yeshua/Jesus, whose son he is (god’s or Joseph’s)???? When they say god’s, you blatantly violate the 10 Commandments, viola, so much for Torah-observance!!!! And if they say Joseph's, there is no proof of it in their 30-odd-page scripture archives and the virgin birth theory.

Messianic Judaism Teachers

That I call — the sweet poison salesmen from the roman catholic church. On an undercover mission, pretending to be against them, only to put their body bags with the money bags, back into the trade of filling the roman catholic money-plates. They don't care a damn about your little pursuit for finding the truth. These counterfeiters or teachers are on a secret deal with the roman catholic church, to shoot down the thinking hats, and rat on them to their masters who've sent them out leashless on a hunt.

This particular hoaxing sect definitely needs to be defrocked, as they're guilty of leading the eager and innocent seekers to the dungeon, to face rebukes and lashes for even daring to dream, to be in tandem with the Most High and never question the bloody pulpit ever again! Fakers!

These charlatans are that very perfectly serendipitous confidante you meet when you’re done with the church and its many attempts to get you to keep giving your money to them. You look to leave and get going on your way and then this deceptive off-shoot stops you dead in your tracks and sells you another bobble-headed version of the catholic church’s testaments.

A pointer you must beware of — nowadays this thuggish bunch goes around town abusing the catholic church and christianity and their “pagan ways” to buy your trust but has a handshake deal at the back with that same damned institution to spot and report the ones who are not buying any of their nonsensical teachings of lies and fables anymore.

They are that thorn that sneaks deep through your epithelial layer. A vicious thorn masquerading as a lighthouse claiming to show you “the way”, trying to yet make its way skin deep. Trying to pickpocket Judaism with a few nuances, like the attire, terminologies like the Tanakh, Hebrew historical knowledge. Soft influencing you to be repulsive to Judaism — low key undermining Israel and its cultures, to indoctrinate you into a filthy pond of fables crafted by their own minds.

But like a skateboard on an oil spill, they keep getting you to skid around between 2 religions.

Leaving you in a perfect mind swirl, where you're groping in the dark yet celebrating the light and chances are many never escape this limbo of mind control. Like the fake claps and celebrations added on to a comedy show, they create a fallacy: “You’ve arrived! Congratulations on finding the truth!! Ho Ho Ho.”

Then this very "Teacher" is going to bind you into this chamber of confusion for an indefinite period, till you yourself cut and run!

These teachers are like the gum on the bottom of your shoe, suddenly you're walking kinda funny, ‘cause your steps aren't leveled, but you can't quite tell when you look down. That’s ‘cause the top of your shoe looks just fine, few go that far to investigate and look under, to find this little teacher to be the actual problem, misaligning your steps. The gum keeps you bound to the roman doctrine. It's a perfect check post with roman catholic cops posing as “Messianic Jews” to not let you transition into the full blessing, the full truth — Judaism.

A few like me and my wife, run through these catholic commissioners posing as the “real Jews”, spewing deceptive venom and trick us into being catholics, by weighing guilt and fear of being forsaken by the Most High.

On the behalf of all the Jewish souls trying to make their way back to the Creator and His ways highlighted in the Torah, yet being blocked by a Messianic Judaism teacher —

Shame on you DOGS. Watch your step. Lest you get lost into the blackhole of your own confusing crafty interconnectedness game.

So, finally, here's to the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — Judaism, serving HASHEM, the One Almighty God. There is NO other.

The Tanakh.

Confusing mouths
Dulling down the Law
Deceiving us to worship a man-god
Undoubtedly the last Straw

There's no foreshadowing
Or precursor in the Tanakh about a god-man
Forgery and confusion added like spices
In my house Roman documents subject to a ban

The anointed of Hashem
Are quite evidently prominent
Each and every person chosen
By Hashem are comprehensibly eminent

The story of the Jews
Israel scattered across the world
The truth is a straight line in the Tanakh
The add-ons are confusingly curled

Away with added books!!!
Away with connecting the truth with the lies!!
I know only the story of Monotheistic Israel
In the story, crafty Amalek dies!



We usually write long write-ups when it comes to covering all facts and verifying all matters. However, for all the time we’ve wasted being stuck on this sinking Titanic of a dead doctrine, our meagre post size is our revenge.

Bye-bye messianic confusion.

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