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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

Contract Killed

Deeper than Cash.

Heavier than Guns.

Get Up & Run.

There are many known faces, faces I've known in my life, who've been party to an evil agreement formulated by power agents impregnated with evil schemes.

You're passionate.

You've worked like a horse with its tail on fire.

Yet, they keep you at the bottom of the pack, making you "earn" your position and promotion, and the level-ups you seem to get after years of "sticking with the company", or "jumping jobs" are not in the millions.

Basically, you are still always under the circumstances, slogging and slaving away, and getting nothing noteworthy after this daily draining hunt which goes on till your retirement.

Which means "these companies" are the gatekeepers levying heavy force, power and pressure onto your psyche so that you cave in!

1. To appease this tightly encrypted gate you must do what?

Whatever it takes. Even if it means sacrifice longevity, rationale and your basic happiness.

2. What are the terms?

Whatever they say, no matter how absurd, defiling or demeaning.

3. Does it change?

As per their whims.

If you invoke their own clauses to them when they contradict the agreement?

They answer saying:


If you midway challenge any of their devious and wicked systematic ways of dismantling your destiny?

They seek for the slightest opportunity to Torture, Kill or Silence.

What are you going to do now?

Get back to dancing to the Tune of the Table?



Embrace death, 'cause under the umbrella of the system, your slow dissection and decay in all pragmatism is worse than being destroyed once and for all in the pursuit of overpowering the power centers.

Death is predestined by the Creator.

No one can kill, unless the Creator permits.

Take your chances. You may just live and persist through the pressure and oppression.

Don't accept the status of an "entry level job", an "analyst". What are you even analyzing so much from the floor of the pyramid???? (When deep down you know well it's all an illusion)

This rigged game of them firing us,

Telling on us, blacklisting and blocking opportunities.

Selling you short.

When you do everything they said you must, they destroy you or kill you anyway.

Might as well break this rigged and unfair game of chess, and REBEL.

Be world class at whatever you think you can shine in and come upon this system by reversing the status quo.

Demanding Respect.


Contract Killed
// poetry

I'm Contract Killed,
Craftily over billed,
This pain you injected me with,
Turned into power, left me upskilled.

I kept seeking vengeance,
Made a target by the vengeful,
I now perceive them to be the red cloth,
And myself the ballistic Bull!

The mandatory skills self-taught
Hate the systemic rhythm of deception
Learnt to dish out the same punches on their head,
Tell me the feelings at the point of reception.

Lost something's money can't buy
You mocked my precious loss as I wailed
You didn't allow any dignity to be retained,
Instead, you wished to have me jailed.

This pending receipt on your soul
The Creator shall judge between you and I;
No one said The Wicked Rich is immortal yet,
In this exchange, it might just be YOU who shall die.


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