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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Captain Autonomous says: "There are those that Stayed & Those that Flew"

Anything that's pulling you down has got to be aggressively cut lose and thrown in the ocean.

Every step forward in your new custom-made shoe makes an enemy out of the complacent shoe not your size, chosen by the systemic, covetous, talent-sifting world you're born in.

Yeah, you may settle to commune with a bunch of lower thoughts, but every second proves fatal to your spirit that's programmed for depth, and height these frivolous superficial and on the surface acquaintances can't fulfil.

Legacies are built by a personal revolution, a freakin' upheaval in your inner self, that seeks to overthrow the chairs of smothering authority looking to steer us to run the bastardizing races of organized religion, politics and propagandist-media.

Do you need to put up with some vindictive boneheads from the past, who give their controlling whim to stunt your growth a righteous spin?

Do you want to comply to the systemic itinerary of the loved losers that stayed?

This world as we know it celebrates losers, who lose their ball bearings to destiny castrating mousies who rig your loss and get you to believe you were no better than the losers they are.

Take their narcissistic violin and sob story, break it on their head, shove it up their behind and go chase autonomy and truth.

Think beyond shackles, propaganda & and this rigged hole of devastation that a child is bondaged to since day zero.

Overthrow everyone.


Must you keep believing the many deceitful words of a loser loving and loser creating world?

Or do you want to expedite the quest to being a Hated Winner?

Choose Life.

Stayed or Flew

// poetry

There are, those that stayed
Those that grew
Tethered to the pole of compliance
The fiery & autonomy hearted outflew.

Merry-go-around pace
Axled slaves to the pole
Quickened twirls in one place
High octane suicidal axle drilling a hole.

Then those that stayed
Like bitter donkeys they bray
Paradoxically, the one's that flew
Aerodynamic lightness with brushstrokes that outweigh.

The one's that flew relent not
Fatigued leanness of brutal physical flaps
Oblivious to the odds etched in their mind
Showering the one's that stayed with artistic slaps.

The cards dealt were the same
No brainer, one's that flew thrived on going all in;
The one's that stayed shat the bed
Then kick dust upon the one's that win.

"Settle down", they say, with vindictive frowns
Deviously holding tightly, they challenge you to run!
Let's repaint the face of these vampiric clowns
A headshot of truth extricates a lightweight sarcastic pun.

Deep-rooted in barrenness, the fruitless cactus,
Bearing excuses, launching vindictive attacks on the one's that grew;
The taste of bitter-sweet raindrops of success,
I sighed, there are those dimwits that stayed & there are those rebellious winners that flew.


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