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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

Burn the Column

So, what do we have this morning with breakfast?

A fraudulent newspaper with tea.

The same newspaper headed by sexual offenders and harassing uncles, that we must “trust” to enlighten us, with a successful intellectual metamorphosis.

Life and times of a reader, hoping to read snippets in Propaganda guns and missiles called,

1. Newspapers

2. Magazines

3. State induced YouTube Channels with a biased and toxic patriotic narrative

4. Movies inducing me to fight for a lost cause, to prove my nationality.

... How about I fight for the country, when you stop corruption altogether, and vend justice for like 3 times consecutively without going back to your diabolical ways of old?

... How about the actors in the said movie leave their plush houses and lead by example with some 'real skin in the game' by actually enrolling in the army?

... How about these deceitful chimps stop selling us these plastic dreams, funded by the underworld and cohesively stop leading us on and buzz off, with mediocre rip offs of Hollywood movies?

Why do you read these little papers here today and wrapped around Vada Pav tomorrow?


This one reads, reads and reads.

That one reads, reads and reads.

But what have I seen?

The gullible reads, pocket bleeds, bleeds & bleeds.

Propaganda it feeds, feeds and feeds.

The idiot… on it leads, leads and leads.

I once exclaimed in my tremor with these fickle, variable and unreliable sources of information gutters called "Print media" and "Podcasts".

Joel, don’t you think….

They want you to purchase this rubbish because there are hidden investors who own these newspapers and publishing houses, who use basic repetition via these famous Billionaires or “Pawns” to propagate these papers and books with many words & no substance...

How are they hidden?

'Cause they control the companies that deceitfully knit what meets your eye.

So, their identity does not make it to the headlines or the fine प्रिंट, don’t bother searching.


I just need to be aware of the fact that why would they tell me anything... in this doctored, reviewed, refined and edited paper that’s frisked for any actual information holding any merit that could help you?

Answer: Buzz off.

It’s like hoping the topper of the class will share the actual notes he compiled and studied from, or perhaps teachers he exorbitantly bribed to secure the “question bank” or rather “question paper”. To do what you know him to do, top the class.

It’s his secret sauce. He’s going to tell you to take a hike.

But, what if the topper of your class, could forge some counterfeit notes, seeming incentivizing and enchanting as though it were the real magic notes to top every exam...

Ahaaaa…. He sells you some scrap he put together that holds a LOT of “Nothing”.

So, spare me this counterfeit compilation by an evil nerd.

Some granny fables, by uncles who should be thrashed daily with some old and wet shoes, for showing up with this rubbish and expecting people to buy.

A Black&White newspaper which would possibly be more instrumental to wrap the delectable vada pav for the bustling masses.


It was scrap before the date it was read, you just didn’t know it.


I knew it, and I eagerly waited every month for it to pile up to sell these dodgy sources of words to the Scrap man.

In my childhood, I rose to the occasion to sell these newspapers piled up in my house, to a scrap dealer to make some quick cash on the junk.

I must buy selective, well corroborated books that nourish the intellect, are a better option to pass time, way better than a phone screen or laptop.

I’m not smart, I’m pissed off and smitten by the voluminous volumes of misleading books or newspapers I purchased and tested, all to conclude...


They all go nowhere; they’re drilling holes in my psyche.


My wife, Anisha, once read this book written by a doctor on the topic of “dopamine”.

In the book, this doctor spoke about how this generation especially is going haywire berserk with always wanting to do something — binge eating, social media, drugs, anything and everything.

At this point, my wife thought she was good, atleast she wasn’t like the rest of her generation preoccupying her mind with random meaningless things to do…

… until the doctor went on to add, even reading is a distraction we seek from our current surroundings, to escape thinking, we seek to flee the real quaint silence and embrace it…Be wise with every choice, about every choice.

Learn to live slow, breathe, think, and just be sometimes.

Enjoy every moment of this existence and don't seek out fillers to mindlessly dodge the silence. Especially not these pollutants called "Mass Media & Entertainment."



// poetry

The many layers to uncover
Is he posing as a hut
But is actually a tower?

The first step is his frills,
He shifts his wardrobe,
He tricks his kills.

The second step is his form
He is way too different
For a moment he becomes the norm.

The third is his speech
He cooks different fables
Different lies to preach.
If you believe him,
Your soul is gone
He will walk into you at night
He will be through with you in the morn.

He will come to save
But draw swords to kill
He won't be sorry
He did it out of his own free will.

He manages space
He picks a time
He's as sequential
And spaced out perfectly as this rhyme.
He knows his tricks,
His deception uncanny;
This character has sugar on his lips,
But he's a killer named “NewsPaper Manny!

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