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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J


We’ve been through a lot of institutions back in our day.

Looking back, the systematic ruining of gullible souls these institutions mastermind, from childhood to death and everything in between, by stationing themselves to make you “legitimate”, making a quick couple million bucks on the way, is nothing but a diabolical orchestra shrouded in flawless white.


// poetry

Institutions, Institutions
With their many constitutions
Devious and despicable elders on the block
Authentication of regulated prostitutions.

Religious institutions a joke
They obviously considered you going to their fun-fair…
They already considered a hungry newfound soul would head to the ‘obvious places’…
But here in India I saw the mega-vulturous there.

It must not be thus, brother,
Or wait, are you really a phony foe?
Trying to stumble the seeking masses I see,
In your own gutter of confusion you may flow.

I stay away from these "known houses of god"
They obviously considered a seeker seeking in the obvious
Perfection and truth aren’t so easily found, my friend,
You have to first spiritually battle the dubious.

I know it’s a burn to your soul,
In place of a teacher there’s a befouling foal,
But in this truth-seeker’s training ground called earth,
We must demolish false ideologies to become whole.

I can’t choose being “official” with superficiality,
Away with this human partial step-motherly love!
One must not care about a hollow identity
It only matters if you stick to the truth sent from above.


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