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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

Barbarians and Bribe-arians

I'm never alone, I have my Creator.

I'll never join any of you in wickedness.

I'm only coming for what's 'Mine'.

Our destinies don't you seek to Align.

A Cold Corrupt Expedition

// poetry

In the cold winter, I went for a stroll,
I saw lawyers, judges and thieves
Swarmed around one fire co-conspiring,
A decaying and corrupt tree with many leaves.

Took me back to when I once knocked doors at the highest court,
With a little grievance of my own,
I sought to turn a wicked mafia man in,
Walked back home seeing a line of oppressed to the bone.

Away with this decaying system!
There's NO fear or remorse in their eyes!
Their pawns in the market always up for sale
Where an official or 2 the rich fraudster buys!

In these years I've seen crime,
Organized neatly, symmetrical like this rhyme,
I've seen many handshakes between parties,
I've seen authorities pervert justice for a dime.

In astonishment I exclaimed, "The fear of God isn't here!
Anyone's entrapping a man as though he were a deer!"
I'd never be accomplice to any of these soiled realms,
Under no amount of peer pressure or pressure peer.

I've seen these influential rotten men burn,
Before me their strength begin to fade into fire
There used to be an entire wagon of corruption out here,
In a year I've seen it burn down to merely a tyre.

The Supreme One will pronounce judgement,
Who the heck are these goons and thugs??!!
Cover-ups and Criminal Conspiracy
No more space to hide under those filthy rugs!

Tough for people to comprehend,
That under NO corrupt authority do I bend
I only worship the Great Grand Creator,
To the treacherous I have no more patience to lend.

I'm one of the few truly following the law,
Of the Creator, and obviously of the Land.
But I don't see it to be so with many...
Why are the mafia and authorities' hand-in-hand...?

Why is their money a darker shade than mine...
Why is it so common place and ever-present...
Ooo, but that's how the rich man gets 'filthy rich'
And the integrity-bound, a poorer suicidal peasant.

You don't have to join any cult,
Provided you submit to the Creator's way.
If there's no integrity, don't think you'll win against darkness,
Against little darkness, big darkness seldom sways.

But in truth and honesty you're inflamed
Sparked up a little light in His hand,
This light decimated many men for years,
Humiliatingly smashed some corrupt influential men garbage-canned.

True Power is being resolute,
I'll never be shaken by your rituals, wind & chime.
Don't look at me with those greedy eyes...
You're only getting this befitting rhyme.


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