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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

“An Assembled House of Thieves”

Quick update:

Mischief managed. This conniving Cult of imposters seeking to dispossess the authentic truth seekers have shape-shifted throwing their "lord and savior" in the fan. Now focusing only on the mains to be adulterated and perverted, the instructions to be curved, the details to be concocted, the perilous godman that needs to be sold as alongside the Torah, tricking you to break the 1st and 2nd Commandments that command you to worship the only True God and none other.

Call yourself "Valley Torah Assembly" or whatever "Rivering trickery" you've now strung together, when no one buys this shoddy act of cheap illusory trickery.

 You'll be floating in the gutter alongside cowards and thieves.

Suffix - Torah Assembly

The godman is in the details.

The mousy pastor calls himself a Rabbi these days, preaching godman with a suffix of Torah.

Watch your step, Pastorbi.

Pastor playing Rabbi or whatever strange hybrid specie you are.

The Assembly Line.

Thieves are dime a dozen, they go by the name of the Roman Catholic Church, or a bunch of hidden possible translations, like Assembly, Ecclesia, blah blah, blah blah blah. Bunch of symbolism the innocent are left deciphering and uncovering — all whilst missing the main point of the entire book — The Torah and obedience to it.

The goal of this benighted document of confusion is to get us running circles around the burning bush, frantically scurrying and uncovering the hidden meaning to their apocrypha and apocalypse.

They want you to keep doing your laps around the burning bush, rather than emulate Moses, to stop and consider the burning bush, and then do as you're commanded by the Most High out of immense fear of the Almighty.

It was really that simple.

An add-on and crafty false Roman document over and above the Jewish Tanakh was not needed by one truly seeking the Most High.

Somehow the Tanakh is pretty direct, and in most cases the symbolism can be comprehended by a sane Jew.

But the extra terrestrial sci-fi stuff, the documents of Roman political propaganda, and the adventures of some babblers, get me to wonder, how much confusion have they manufactured to irk the eager worshippers of the Most High, to forsake and forget the entire covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the Most High God. Or at best, remain in a perpetual slur of confusion.

Layers upon layers, assemblies upon assemblies, denominations upon denominations, money plates upon money plates.

Have you seen an assembly line in a factory?

Streamlining your packaged goods in an organized fashion.

This catholic assembly line, modeling the above, however, manufactures nothing but deceit, trickery and lies. But in an organized fashion, with a cap that fits your current stage in your journey to keeping the fullness of Tanakh as it is.

These phony assemblies have even begun preaching idolatry as an add-on to the keyword Torah.

Yes, that’s right.

When no one’s buying the tasty trifles of mystical conquests, they now come at you with another ponzi scheme, posing as an assembly that supposedly keeps the Torah, the commandments, but with Roman numerals numbering each one. i.e; the Roman version of the Jewish commandments, with added theological spinny newfound thoughts.

It goes like this —

The Torah + Prophets + Writings. (You’re good till here, no phony teacher/Rabbi required)

You’re in trouble with the added spicey tastemaker, i.e;

+ Constantine/Human worship

(Dragon, Dungeon, Dragon symbolism, 666, Beast, Hunter, AntiChrist)


Now you need a Teacher!

Because brace yourself, you’re going to be talking to a document with many mouths! Mouths speaking many things contradictory to the Torah and itself.

You detonate this explosive of lies and symbolic plethora of confusion onto your own heads.


They have successfully added

Anxiety to Instruction.


The Tanakh is not dramatic, as it’s not trying to fleece you off your pockets with one eyebrow up and covert narcissistic aggression.

The last time I remember the Roman ruler Pilate was washing his hands, how did it turn into a campaign of — Let’s kill the Jews on account of killing their god???!!!

Don't know how it randomly transmuted into an endless and vicious cycle of Pilate washing his hands until this day on account of the Jews being persecuted and slaughtered.

The last time I remember in their very account, the crucifixion was a brutal Roman method of execution. When did it metamorphose into — let’s conquer through the cross, or stake, as they now reposition it?

I’ll tell you — by immense forgery and fraudulence, post roughly 300 years, after the Temple of our God at Israel was destroyed, by these very Romans.

Now that’s symbolism, just like how Constantine began forging documents to usurp the faith of the Jews and kept ordering Jewish killings and getting the Jews to comply with paganism and idolatry.

So, they had to come up with a ‘NEW’ document of deceit, that I have been uncovering to be a complete bogus ploy. To kidnap the conscience of the ones who want to be on the right side of the Most High God.

These brokers (middlemen) and their brokerages, the assembly lines, the costumed and (nowadays) civil clothed platoon of pulpit-warriors come in, to incarcerate the Torah-abiding men and women to have a dozen of venerable intervenors, intercessions, processions!!

Do you hear the coins clinking already?

I can hear it supersonically, not symbolically, to awaken to the only truth.


Truth with NO middlemen.

Truth WITHOUT a cross.

Truth WITHOUT brokers charging hefty brokerages (with tax-free donation links) claiming to get you on the guestlist to heaven. Modern day indulgences, they claim to be matters of the past, confined to the Middle Ages. Hush Hush.


We, at Steadfast Thoughts, are laying bare the sketch of an organization we came across, (that now goes by a different name, a phony and deceitful river that leads to the valley of death...) that quite unequivocally masquerades with the same phony traits. (Prequel of this post titled: The Assembling Imposters)

All scams are like mental mafias, trying to strip you off your emotional stability. It’s like needling your entire arm to find the aching vein, and from that vein, they look to extort cashflow into a payment link, they very gallantly leach out off. Like a turntable, they mix around the Tanakh with added emotional fables and guilt-ridden aggressive statements.


Get you to question the authentic Tanakh, with a few baseless letters, epistles like pistols, dragons in pits, fires of lakes, and whatnot.


These school of scholars aren’t needed in the mix when you simply read the Tanakh. These wizards of confusion are only needed to decipher a counterfeit document — babbling and siding all sides. Sometimes on the side of the Jew and sometimes on the side of the gentile, ‘cause who knows who all might pay for their missionary evangelistic trips?! Why close down any potential cash flow avenue for the money mongering assembly lines.

What if the Jew sponsors his own doom?!


Entrap Jew AND Gentile.

More the Merrier, Ho Ho Ho.


There is this oft-ignored movement that slips off mention that surfs on a rather lopsided wave.

That is the Messianic Judaism/Hebrew Roots Movement/Hebrew Christians/Torah-observant Messianics — and any and all names that they go by.

This group and its leaders send you off on a quest, letting you embark into a paradise of never-never-land where there is NO reward at the end of the race. Getting you to connect the ‘old’ with the ‘new', like there can be any similarities between chalk and cheese. Baselessly and aimlessly looking for parallels in parables that don’t exist, keeping your eye and focus off the Torah which must have unequaled prominence in our lives.

If the 10 Commandments were 10 steps, you’ll be falling face-first in the very first one. Their job is to trip you up on the first step itself which states - You shall have NO OTHER GOD BESIDES ME.

This movement is a sham. There is NO compatibility between Catholicism and all the denominations they branch out into and the monotheistic faith of Judaism. The moment they confuse you with the extra-terrestrial Roman testament, you break the first two commandments where HASHEM is ONE.

I’d suggest you ask your learned leaders for a valid explanation of the being of Yeshua/Jesus, whose son he is (god’s or Joseph’s)???? When they say God’s, you blatantly violate the 10 Commandments, viola, so much for Torah-observance!!!! And if they say Josephs, there is no proof of it in their 30-odd-page scripture archives and the virgin birth theory.

So, here's to the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — Judaism, serving HASHEM, the One Almighty God. There is NO other.

My advice? Buy a Tanakh that doesn’t have added pollutants and set yourself free from subtle human worship, with guilty statements and emotional programming. Hailing everyone but the Most High God. If there's anyone who should be upset, it should be someone stuck with an array of translations of the most-sold mainstream book.

I finally stepped over all the lies and acquired the Tanakh.

Better late than never, at least it is accomplished.


The Tanakh is the ONLY Testament

to me and my family.


We can’t sit around arguing about a few questionable letters and manuscripts written, edited, redacted and doctored by the Romans to themselves, calling themselves chosen, grafted in, usurping the Jews in a very organized manner, by fabricating and manufacturing a truth on their assembly line of deceit.

As I always say —







A deceiver will always give you some ounce of truth before he deceives you.

The kleptomaniac can't help but be a thief, I get that. But, Roman Kleptomaniacs, also known as Roman Catholic, have to make money from plundering the Tanakh from the Jews, it's a no brainer, tax evasive, money laundering scheme to keep the plates ringing!

Replacement theology is the entire motive, and exterminating the Jew, reclaiming his promises and his lost ground given Him by the Almighty, to graft it to themselves, the new heirs — the conclusive decision of the costumed killers and thieves.

Black to white, white to black, all types of cash in the money plates of the institution. Businesses and Baubles, Fables and allegedly appearing forms — all under one spanning roof — the Roman Catholic Church.

Deuteronomy 4:2 JPS Tanakh 1985

"You shall not add anything to what I command you or take anything away from it, but keep the commandments of Hashem your God that I enjoin upon you."


Fraudulent Friars

I asked for the truth,
You sold it to me with a 100-page deceit!
I stand for the seeking Jewish youth,
Who are being tricked by a few unverified receipts!

I grew up catholic,
I shall certainly die a Jew!
In deciphering futile letters,
Tricksters traced upon the Tanakh aNew.

The hundred page counterfeit
A Replacement theological ploy
Watch your itching trickster’s hand
The Tanakh is not a toy!

Unimaginative attempt to usurp
The Jewish identity by the Pope
While the Jews mind their own business
These heathens drop the soap.

It’s the story of Israel
Not the transfer of blessings to the Philistines
The Tanakh will always be THE Absolute Truth,
Remember this steadfast truth, all you little Constantines!


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