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  • Writer's pictureJoel Wordsmith

Am I 'looking' righteous?

I am point-blank ruled out as an evil entity by merely a glimmer of my profile picture, because the "imposter religion" loves you when you're suffering and perishing out cold.

Joel Zecharyah

Therefore, I unapologetically passed on this accursed existence of Roman Catholicism pitched to me as a kid and moved on to my idea of living a blessed life, which I found in monotheistic Judaism.

Having a guiltless smile while parading in the blessings that come with keeping the Torah mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy (Hebrew: Devarim), but also watching my step to avoid living the curses for disobedience by falling prey to a blatant lie with added fables of esoteric symbolism. In simple terms, books added to the Tanakh.

A blueprint to emulate to audition for the spot of being like King David, I came to know my aspiration for being after God's own heart would be fulfilled by step-by-step owning my fallibility as King David did.

Ultimately, we must potently perfect ourselves in the Torah and it by no means gives anyone a go-ahead to live a lawless life. But it does make us accountable even in our failings to not give up in entirety.

joel joy - am i looking righteous?

King David, among the Mighty Warrior, Psalmist, Strategist, Musician, Creative genius that he was, the stain of being a murderer and an adulterer also made its way in his splendorous character as the King of Israel. Mind you, the one's quick to judge our King, as per the Scriptures, he became King in a very volatile and lawless time as the book of Judges states.

"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did as he pleased."

So King David, the man who was an emoticon of a kind, an emotional ingenious artist and warrior, truly tried his best to walk in the Torah, as he proclaims repeatedly in Psalm 119, he keeps asking forgiveness (Psalm 51), he keeps giving praise to the Father, His heart was almost on his sleeve when it came to worshiping the Father.

soaring on eagles wings

King David came from a line of fallible sinners. With Ruth the Moabite and Rahab the harlot, to be the descendant of a rather unconventional, less-than-blue, yet zealous bloodline.

I was an outright rebel against fake righteous and hypocritical behavior. I learnt to never submit to abusive legalistic or lawless authority, who don't practice a dot of what they preach, which is also rosy lawlessness, apart from the true teachings of the Tanakh, which is to keep the Torah.

I continued seeking different avenues because the Tanakh, being a gem as it is, came through the times and compilations of such polluted and megalomaniacal empires to finally reach us.

But it was all part of a plan when I look back.

Constantine added a lot of little baubles to the Tanakh; however, he went all-out full-blown haywire with tricking us to worship him after he invented a new religion that incites people worship and submission to Roman authority.


Moses, when he was a beautiful baby emerged somehow evading a decree by the Egyptian Pharaoh of the day. He made it through a pagan and paranoid opposition, by somehow breezing through the waters in a basket, and being adorably heart-moving to the same Pharaoh's daughter who adopted him as her own son.

He was immersed in Egyptian culture when he finally discovered he was not one of the ruling class, but a slave as his fellow Israelites in the very same kingdom.

Frantic and poorly respondent as he was, he killed an Egyptian and buried his body in his human fallibility when he saw the Egyptian oppressing one of his potential relatives, or at least a fellow Israelite brother.

Moses was a great man, with great flaws. The instrument with a stutter but known to speak to HASHEM face-to-face.

Father surely has a marvelous way in choosing and empowering men, to exalt them to great heights, but before that he empties the best of us.

Moses was great in many ways, but he had a speech impediment and not necessarily embodied the most confident stance except in his destined encounters with the Pharaoh when he displayed spectacular miracles and leadership attributes by representing the God of Israel.

The rest is history. The random story line of Moses is not-so-random, the Father had a plan all along to bring the Law to us through Him, giving Israel the charter of rules to live by in the promised land.

The Father has a plan to humble his instruments with an array of events that in theory 'could' compromise the eventual result of delivering the Torah to us. If any of the instruments like Moses, King David, etc., messed up beyond what they reportedly did even in their most perfect attempt, we potentially wouldn't have the Torah today, right?


The Father is a Master of Time, Circumstance and Vision. He measures us and empowers us to the very accurate point of clarity. All His works are perfect, and we'd have the very same outcomes even if the Pharaoh, Moses or King David did a billion variations in their decisions. Father decided the fate of each of His beloved ones who, in their humility within their heart before the Great God, fell on their face and worshiped even in their own sin.

The bottom line:

It's not about who acts holy or appears righteous that pleases the Most High. But the one who knows his specific sins and wrongs and is repentant and zealous to keep the Torah with even greater fervor.

A lot of people hold and spread this idea that the God of the Old Testament is a different God than the New Testament one.

That is indeed true.

2 very different things are being talked about.

1. God of Israel - Hashem

And the second added installment to the Tanakh preaches a human/divine god not at all in tandem with the Tanakh.

As for me, I speak and attest to the 1st. HASHEM, The God of Israel. The God in Judaism. Any other truth I do not know, except monotheism.

So, my wife Anisha and I decided to not think we're greater than the greats like Moses, King David, King Solomon etc. and sit about and judge them for their choices. When in fact these sins that they committed is for us to learn from in all humility and in full awareness that we will never be as great as them.

We decided to not over-accentuate our dark times, which have been many, in order to gain sympathy, rather shunning the one eyebrow up, whiney, sulking view of the Scriptures in our Sunday-Fundays, which was pushed down our throats by default as we were born in a Roman Catholic household. We have now branched out from these beliefs to truly pursue humility and favor with God as mentioned in the Torah.

We came to realize we want to have nothing to do with the dove-like, lawless, costumed men and women out there and their added bits to the Tanakh.

We decided to own our fallibility, dance like King David on some stringed instruments, study the Tanakh, and worship the Most High.

Read the Torah without the blinds of guilt, but through point-blank logic and obedience. You'll connect the dots forward from the preachers of the Torah, through the Prophets.

The ‘so-called righteous institution’ that are flag-bearers of peace and quiet in our ailing world, the saved flock, are the very one's standing on the foundations of a conquering, colonizing and murderous empirical maneuver by the heads of the institution itself. Ordaining the then known most gruesome form of execution, which was the crucifixion and then entirely pinning it on the Jews, not seeing the power-hungry cross in their own eyes.

Washing your hands repeatedly doesn't wash away the Torah, or the past Roman-inquisition orchestrated and ordered by the very institution feigning the one eyebrow-up righteousness against the Jews, whose faith they are looking to usurp and pollute with adulterated ideas and befouling doctrines.

The Torah

Yield to the Truth, not to the lies
Be watchful, Be strong.
Unlike the lawless unbeliever who dies

Some Newfound Half truth
Half Lies
Full Lies

The truth is a whisper
The lies are as lawlessly loud as it can be
Silence the noise by the Word
Abiding in Torah is Key

Your renewed ears shall be trained
To pick up the gentle voices from above
Harsh shouts of lawless control-masters
Are silenced by Torah Abiding love.

Once again, Yield to the Truth,
Not to the lawless lies
Let's all sing praises to the Creator,
The maker of the very skies.


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