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  • Writer's pictureAnisha & Joel ~ A&J

A Review of a Shady Chinese Corporate

Torturers. Abusers. Gaslighters. Career Exterminators. 

The infamous CP Group, Thailand owned by Dhanin Chearavanont, with many shady wings opening up in India.

This company’s dealings have been extremely shady from the Day 1. From confiscating passports to constant abusive authority, they’ve done it all and everything in between.

It all started at Xavier’s college, Mumbai. We were recruited straight out of our college to work at this company. It’s been 5 years and an absolute never-ending nightmare ever since. 

They held a “Future Leaders Program” in Thailand for 7 months, hiring the best talent from India, China, Vietnam, Russia, USA, UK, etc, promising us all that we’d be “Future CEO’s” post this ordeal, but it left us all fresh graduates and unsuspecting youth stranded and abused. And that’s the blood that this company builds its multiple ventures upon. Pathetically sickening. Deeply horrifying. 

The experiments in the program of 7 months, unspeakable. Once you leave this company after being tortured and mentally abused by their ruthless and heartless “Directors” who can speak NO language other than Chinese and Thai, NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE from any “reputed” company wants to give you a job because they see you’ve worked for this blacklisted company “CP Group”, whose initials are like the “Communist Party Group”, and they want to stay away from you as you “could” be a spy working for this company and they reject your applications. 

Now, this company will NEVER hire you back, unless you sign a shady backhanded deal with them, where you sell them ALL YOUR RIGHTS, and especially your bodies for the rebellion of “last time” where you “resigned” and “decided to save yourself from the harassment and abuse”.

In fact, that’s just what they wanted all along because everyone has their free will. So, their plan goes like this:

  1. Hire them

  2. Torture, abuse and harass them in ways unimaginable 

  3. Don’t ever fire them

  4. But force them to leave themselves 

  5. When they do, block all their opportunities so they have to come back to you

  6. When they do, keep going silent and act like you’re totally not involved

  7. But keep throwing shady underhanded deals, like drug trafficking, pimping, prostitution, especially in the Middle East

  8. Make them think that there’s no other way out, but to take this deal

  9. Viola, they’ve surrendered their will willingly and you didn’t have to do anything at all……….hmm, so not planned. Brilliant.

  10. Roll out the abuses, rapes, drug tests, like the grand grand rivers onto them, they’re all your slaves now. 

In the India team, you’d expect that they’d live up to their words and hire local talent. But no, there is this Thai-origin Female “Director” for India, whose name rhymes with “Shamy” and she has been quite devious and serpentine ever since we knew her.

This woman took it upon herself to BLOCK ALL OUR FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES, even apart from the company. 

Yes. Shut off every avenue for us to get a respectable job. She did that, and the rest, the black name of CP Group did the magic trick. 

This company keeps “investing” heavily in India but you can never really see any of their investments. They claim a lot of things — lots of money, lots of job opportunities, lots of expansions, but at the end of it, they have looted individuals who want to “cut the legs off" of the employees who work with this company as they’ve been duped badly. They put all of us on each other while their “directors” live overseas in Thailand and call the shots from there. 

Shamy, if you’re reading, which I know well you are, get your act right. Stop masquerading around town soiling the place up, get your act right in the white for once, and stop trying to kill anyone you’re threatened of. If you can’t be better than your competition, back off and let them take over. It’s high time now. 

There’s this other rubbish director, whose name rhymes with “Ran” and that’s just what he did, he ran away from India with his dubious tail between his legs, shut his little off-shoot sub-company by the name of Avant, before he’d get mauled for his impudent way of speaking, especially to women. However, that could be because he’s not really a director, he’s a pimp, and he thinks every woman is a prostitute he doesn’t need to talk well to or respect. Good riddance, Ran. Don’t get pimped out yourself on Khao San, if you’re still alive out there…

A brief and final synopsis to sum this stinky chapter up that always lingers on:

These are one of the conspirators of the mass layoffs, all you in a foreign land scratching your heads contemplating what happened to your career that mounted itself on eagle's wings and flew away.

This conglomerate is the face you can appropriate when you're not sure whom you must curse for the devious hand you've been dealt after you've burned all that cash in the universities. 

e.g., this company owns a massive stake in HSBC by the sub-name of Ping An Insurance. Now figure the rest. 

Yes, the faceless and the nameless cowards, with their many proxies and fronts. The policy makers, enforced by the individual national authorities working under them, the hypocritical governments of the world.

In its bad romance with the banking sector, have created a unified and gravitating graveyard. It's like walking on the little border of the last slippery tile on the cliff.

A little dabble, a little shivering knee and bam these so-called — by the people, for the people and of the people...will devour you like beasts.

The anticipated fall of a youth with dreams.

Brothels that go by the names of

1. The Big Corporate

2. Pharma

3. Banking

4. Education

5. Food & Beverage (alias Pharma)

6. Automotives (you get a car for being anyone of the pimps above) 

Oh.. someone...Find me my dirtiest shoe...

I believe in the Most High God Hashem and I’m sure this devious and evil company run by a bunch of megalomaniacs will soon be eroding in a coffin, because the Most High sees and judges everyone everywhere. Justice will be served, “CP Group”…and then no amount of “Whiz Tricks” will be able to save your decomposing remains. No peace.

The Bonfire ft. Big Shell Company - CP Group

I wish I could hurt you
In the epicenter of your core
To incapacitate the wretched centrifuge
Of the malice you so heavily store. 

I wish you'd feel the pain
Of the young ones with dreams
I'm sure, horrifying thoughts haunt you
When you hear your deeds, tormented screams.

If such money is what maketh the man,
I'm better off being Mr. CAN.
Looking for locks to throw onto your brothels
I'm out of spit, Mr. Chairman.

It's distasteful to witness
You've turned the world into whoredom
Cheapjack factories impounded
You manufactured murderous boredom.

You're playing with fire
The judgment will devour your soul.
I'm sure you're being dismantled,
To burn your empire, I'm bringing the coal.


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