3 Months for Gatzby! Anisha & Joel ~ A&J1 min readBabySlap// wordsI chase my eyelids,Sleep is an elusive fiend;Is an aching metamorphosis,The road to a baby to be weaned.Happy 3, lovely son!!!Enjoy the Picture Playbook of Baby Gatzby. Birthday Feast!Birthday Kiddo!Birthday fit!Gatzby's Primary Caregivers.Mommy's Red Velvet Cupcake!Daddy's GatzBooA slice of redThat's what a memory looks like!Yum."Fire": the Lion, Gatzby's possessive friend gatecrashed the party.
BabySlap// wordsI chase my eyelids,Sleep is an elusive fiend;Is an aching metamorphosis,The road to a baby to be weaned.Happy 3, lovely son!!!Enjoy the Picture Playbook of Baby Gatzby. Birthday Feast!Birthday Kiddo!Birthday fit!Gatzby's Primary Caregivers.Mommy's Red Velvet Cupcake!Daddy's GatzBooA slice of redThat's what a memory looks like!Yum."Fire": the Lion, Gatzby's possessive friend gatecrashed the party.