Legit Law Films
Content That Convicts
Legit Law Films
Legit Law Films by steadfastthoughts.com has been conceptualized by Joel and Anisha Wordsmith to display the original and true faith of the Tanakh, as it was delivered to us by our ancestors, but has been lost to us because of years of adulteration and misrepresentation of the original records.
Legit Law Films is our effort to bring to light the truth and let the audiences decide for themselves the accuracy of our research, facts and content.
We stand to benefit nothing from our visual media as our page is not a monetized platform.
This is a project we have undertaken to dispel the darkness and deception and tell the truth the way we do best, through moving pictures that speak a hundred thought-provoking words.
The Finger Of God
Series Opener
The Finger of God Full Word Script
Our series starts off with a bang.
Or rather with a burning bush.
A sparkling flame lighting a thought.
What is the finger of God being spoken of?
The first mention of the finger of God is documented in the utterance by the magicians in the Book of Exodus when they realized their powerlessness in front of merely the finger of God.
"The magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God!” But Pharaoh’s heart stiffened and he would not heed them, as HASHEM had spoken."
Exodus 8:15 JPS Tanakh 1985
So again, what is the ‘finger of God’?
“When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.”
Exodus 31:18 JPS Tanakh 1985
Ooh, so the 10 Commandments, the entirety of them, written by the FINGER OF GOD is the Torah. The Unshakeable Foundation of Rock. Foundations as in the base. Base as in the FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE Tanakh.
So then, why are we taught to worship idols and make objects of wood and stone, just so we can apparently ‘see what we worship’ as if the Creator can be made to represent something of our own hands?! As if we have seen him with our eyes and beheld him?! How can we go shamelessly ahead and do just what he said DO NOT??!!
Why haven't we been taught to observe the Sabbath day in its right times and according to its terms?
Keep questioning.
The answers will flow in like the pure stream of truth and flow out the gutter garbage waters of lies and deceptions fed to us ever since we were children.
All peace,
Team A&J.
The Movie
Singularity Full Word Script
Our movie is inspired by the foundation of ONENESS in Hebrew thought. In the Tanakh as a whole.
The first words a Torah-obedient Jew utters every morning after waking up and before sleeping at night and sometimes 2 more times during the course of the day, is the SHEMA in Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
Which in English is translated:
Hear O Israel,
HASHEM is our God
The entire core of the MONOTHEISTIC Jewish faith lies in the idea of ONENESS.
We believe in ONE God. The Creator. The Maker of the heavens and the earth. The Almighty. The Most High. The God of Israel.
Our forefather Abraham, who is called the first Hebrew, (Hebrew means one who crosses over), successfully and passionately crossed over from the prevalent POLYTHEISTIC culture around him, and founded the faith we hold today, which has its roots in MONOTHEISM.
Long story short: In the days of Abraham, which happened soon after the days of Noah and the flood, wickedness started to grow rampantly again and the pure and true worship of the Most High God was lost in the sands of cultures and added layers of idolatry.
Abraham received a call from God after much seeking for the truth of God as he did not stand for the worship of the day, which was the worship of the stars, the moon, etc.
He left his father’s house, physically and spiritually to follow a new pathway and to serve the Creator. (Genesis 12:1-3)
The rest is history. And the remnant of His people is living it.
How the seed of Abraham still holds to the true worship of God by serving the Creator in HIS way, spelt out very clearly in the Tanakh.
The theme of oneness, singularity and focus flows throughout the Tanakh.
If you are a Torah-obedient God-fearing individual, I am sure you understand the underlying importance of singularity in your own life choices.
Life is not just about reading or learning the Torah. It’s majorly about walking the words and living the Torah.
Walking in the theme of oneness, our decision-making as a student of Torah becomes easier, leaving a lot of things off limits for us, yet a pathway of things to better us in every way.
"And Hashem shall be king over all the earth; in that day there shall be one HASHEM with one name."
Zechariah 14:9 JPS Tanakh 1985
All peace,
Team A&J.
Gratitude Comes After
Obedience in every way
Gratitude Comes After | Full Word Script
How many of us make it a point to say a quick thanks to God before we have our meals! A huge sum of us, who have been wrongly coached by an erroneous doctrine of misinformation.
Deuteronomy 8:10 JPS Tanakh 1985
"When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to HASHEM your God for the good land which He has given you."
We are commanded in the book of Deuteronomy to give thanks to the Creator for His generous blessings to us, AFTER we have eaten and are satisfied. Not before.
We do recite a short blessing before we eat, but a longer blessing ensues only post the satisfying meal.
Many think that we can ignore or tweak the instructions of a Mighty God and get away with it as long as we offer lip-service to the Great One as if He wouldn’t notice these discrepancies. Or are completely ignorant.
Deuteronomy 8:19-20 JPS Tanakh 1985
"If you do forget HASHEM your God and follow other gods to serve them or bow down to them, I warn you this day that you shall certainly perish; like the nations that HASHEM will cause to perish before you, so shall you perish—because you did not heed HASHEM your God."
All peace,
Team A&J.
The Mezuzah
Inscribe them on your doorposts
The Mezuzah | Full Word Script
Our door has its mezuzah up finally!
Okay, well maybe not a mezuzah in the conventional Jewish sense of things.
First things first. What’s a mezuzah?
Mezuzah: a parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a case to the doorpost of a Jewish house as a sign of faith.
The word ‘mezuzah’ means doorpost.
A typical Jewish household puts up the mezuzah on the door-frames/doorposts of their homes, sometimes also on every door of the house, excluding the washrooms, to remind them of their obligation to God and to whom they belong as they walk in and out of the doors throughout the day. The mezuzah contains verses from the Torah rolled into a parchment, usually handwritten and kept inside a beautifully carved exterior.
This beautiful custom is not random. But a commandment that is commanded to us to uphold by the Most High in the Book of Deuteronomy 6: 4-9;
Hear, O Israel!
The Eternal is our God, the Eternal alone.
You shall love the Eternal your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.
Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day.
Impress them upon your children.
Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up.
Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
The door is possibly the most important part of a house. The door protects the ones inside the house from the intruders outside the door and forms a barrier, sort of a boundary that whispers: YOU CAN’T COME IN.
The door is also the gateway that separates the inside of the home from the outside world. As we walk through the door to go outside, we are stepping into battle with the outside world and it’s very many influences that seek to separate us from our commitment to our God. As we go out, the mezuzah serves as a sign that we look at and remember the words that our Father is always with us as we go out and as we come in.
As we step out of the threshold of our house, we make our way out to battle the world and make our way back into the safety of our abodes and worship the Father through our sojourn, having His words affixed on our hearts and in our minds always.
Psalms 121:8 JPS Tanakh 1985
"HASHEM will guard your going and coming now and forever."
As for us, to honor this commandment within our limitations, we opted to get a custom nameplate printed with our family name and a verse from the Torah which we could look at when we go in and out to accomplish our tasks. It wasn’t possible for us to purchase a conventional mezuzah as it’s pretty expensive and it’s not available for purchase in India. So, we had to get creative.
We go by the family name — The Zecharyah’s and the verse we chose is one among the many blessings assured to the ones who keep the Torah, walk in faithfulness to keep and guard the commandments
Deuteronomy 28:1, 6 JPS Tanakh 1985
"Now, if you obey the LORD your God, to observe faithfully all His commandments which I enjoin upon you this day, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth...Blessed shall you be in your comings and blessed shall you be in your goings."
And the movie showcases the final result.
Before you put up the mezuzah, it is customary to recite a blessing while you hang it up.
The blessing said while hanging a mezuzah:
Transliteration: Barukh atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melekh ha-olam, asher keedishanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu leek'boa mezuzah.
Translation: Blessed are you, Hashem, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with commandments and commanded us to affix a mezuzah.
All peace,
Team A&J.
The Tanakh
A quest to find the only truth
A Boy on a Quest | Full Word Script
In this hike of life, a long arduous journey through the woods. Thorns and briars on every side — twigs — deceiving us to believe a very complex, mystical and confusing truth.
Upon exhaustive examination, the Word of the Most High can be distinctly recognized by His remnant. Added words of confusion seem to be quite perceptible once you get acquainted with the Tanakh and what Hashem would want and what He cannot stand.
1. No one can dull down Moses, by a fictitious shadow cast by another man.
2. The anointed King David, is the end all, and will reign in the Kingdom of Hashem.
3. Added fables external to the Tanakh, are a feeble and hollow attempt to reduce all of Hashem's great splendorous deeds to Roman glory.
When He says King David, He means King David. No symbolism, confusion or ambiguity. He's not a man like us that He should lie.
We are the dust He put together for His Kingdom's work. We must abide in instruction and not be given over to vanity and empty tales of confusion to further an agenda not of the truth.
If we don't attest to the right God, we're nothing but pagan idolaters and vain babblers.
In this quest through the confusing wheel with many spokes, I was quite zapped and drowsy with meritorious appearing crutches:
Worship music turned out to be a sham and a complete detour from the Tanakh. Some bells and whistles getting us to sing blasphemies with the warm fuzzy feelings taking precedence over the concrete command of the Most High in the Torah.
Youtube sermons, excessive hypnotizing false prophets selling their version of the truth spring rolled into a venomous lie. You'll be dead with a phony teacher on your side. He'll lead you to the very pit he dug for all his followers.
Churches - Read the blogs.
A barrage of theological books - Logic straight out of idolatry and paganism. For a chunk of change some sell-outs publish books to use the scriptures to confuse and mind program the masses. Striking deals with the Roman Catholic Church, usurpers of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Very many translations, all one more unreliable than the other, leaving the eager flock confused and distraught.
Many many denominations, sub-denominations - all claiming to be different but are just vanilla same, that we came across on this journey to the true faith, Judaism. Some false religions aren't worth mentioning, if it's not evidently futile to you, then you're on a different track, away from the Torah Train. Addressing only the over-smart confusing babblers and cursers, who extort from the poor for a living, holding a doctored and extended version of the Scriptures.
There is this oft-ignored movement that slips off mention that surfs on a rather lopsided wave. That is the Messianic Judaism/Hebrew Roots Movement/Hebrew Christians/Torah-observant Messianics — and any and all names that they go by.
This group and its leaders send you off on a quest, letting you embark into a paradise of never-never-land where there is NO reward at the end of the race. Getting you to connect the ‘old’ with the ‘new', like there can be any similarities between chalk and cheese. Baselessly and aimlessly looking for parallels in parables that don’t exist, keeping your eye and focus off the Torah which must have unequaled prominence in our lives.
If the 10 commandments were 10 steps, you’ll be falling face-first in the very first one. Their job is to trip you up on the first step itself. You shall have NO OTHER GOD BESIDES ME.
This movement is a sham. There is NO compatibility between Catholicism and all the denominations they branch out into and the monotheistic faith of Judaism. The moment they confuse you with the extra-terrestrial Roman testament, you break the first two commandments where HASHEM is ONE.
I’d suggest you ask your learned leaders for a valid explanation of the being of Yeshua/Jesus, whose son he is (god’s or Joseph’s). When they say God’s you blatantly violate the 10 commandments, viola, so much for Torah-observance!!!! And if they say Josephs, there is no proof of it in their 30-odd-page scripture archives and the virgin birth theory.
So, here is to the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — Judaism, serving HASHEM, the One Almighty God. There is NO other.
The Tanakh.
Confusing mouths
Dulling down the Law
Deceiving us to worship a man-god
Undoubtedly the last Straw
There's no foreshadowing
Or precursor in the Tanakh about a god-man
Forgery and confusion added like spices
In my house Roman documents subject to a ban
The anointed of Hashem
Are quite evidently prominent
Each and every person chosen
By Hashem are comprehensibly eminent
The story of the Jews
Israel scattered across the world
The truth is a straight line in the Tanakh
The add-ons are confusingly curled
Away with added books
Away with connecting the truth with the lies
I know only the story of Monotheistic Israel
In the story, crafty Amalek dies.
All peace,
Team A&J.