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S T E A D F A S T . 

The Ark Of Life.

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A house with no curtains, yet fascinating coloured doors and intriguing windows.
Plenty of art through it's walls and a bulwark of free thought and expression.

A husband-wife collaboration bringing the candle flame to spark the fire in your thoughts.


Steadfast Thoughts is our home, or as we call it, our Ark, and its doors are open to all. 

This journey began in March 2023 and ever since we've been putting out work that's unlike anything out there.

The Tumultuous Waves of life pushed us to navigate and find the anchor in all circumstances, which we discovered is AUTONOMY.

Our journey

In this ship ride, we have learnt there are a couple of destined and mandatory shipwrecks, but you don’t need to helplessly stay wrecked and sink in your ship always.


The Creator might just give you the float to survive and undeserved providence, as He never gives up on us until we give up on us. 

The Climb

Story of a grueling 12 months of actively building

A Year of Laying Bricks and pelting Stone for Stone at spoilt sports. 

The Life and Times of 2 Antibodies to the System.


Gritty and intertwined like a chain of ants, building and scaling like a juggernaut.

A force to be reckoned with. 

With much travail of the daily rough and tumble, we began tirelessly etching in our vision with a concentrated convergence of energy directed, solely to the purpose of building something sublime.

Legendary and significant blows to the Antagonists and imposters, defying gravity outclassing the en-boxing corporations.


Riveting through with a madcap zeal to deliver greatness and class. Striking hard with debilitating strikes on one particular authoritarian and complacent corporation’s neck with an axe to fell it, for coveting our destinies. 

So, this is us, giving you the code which works for us and the cookie bits of wisdom we've accumulated, in the home of our website.

Sail along!

Meet the Crew

We are the faces behind Steadfast.

Our Virtual Hello.

Joel - The Brand

Anisha - The Brand


Image by Elvira Visser

Site Disclaimer

A complete checklist of our beliefs, our views and things you should know before navigating our website. It is pretty to the point!

Image by Brianna R.

Contact us

Fill the form, contact us if you have anything genuine to say. Otherwise, take what you have to and live.

Image by Brian Breeden

Our Latest Release

Recent Titles

Anisha's 26th BIRTHDAY Series!

This is me being as honest as I can as I pen down 26 things that I gleaned on my sojourn on this earth. Photos + A very loving note by my husband at the end!

My Birthday Video + A Fun DIY Project!

A quick DIY we undertook and a quick night meal plus birthday video footage for the feels!


A Man.

A Quest.

A Boatload of Falls and Climbs.

All to find the TRUTH. 




WhatsApp Image 2023-11-26 at 16.08.16_4f7b8939.jpg

Turns out we have a lot to say...

We have a radically different opinion on most things being mass-sold on mainstream media.  Hence it only made sense for us to document it in our journal of life as we live and share it online as we go. Happy reading.

Find all our best uploads here, to not miss a thing


The 90's kids have careers decreed to death. Creatively being taxed the crap out of. A bullet to your future, a harness to never let you have a family and a functional life. Perfect stress levels to drink away and dance for the day, adding a bunch of more pennies to that accursed deficit of 80 lakhs to 1 crore into your 30s.

Mr. & Mrs. CAN go RETRO!

An all-time favorite. MR. & MRS. CAN in all their eccentrics with an all new retro version. 

Image by Jake Allen


~ 4 min read                      ~ Joel Wordsmith

One of our best works

The Shift // Hills & Valleys

A montage of us painting a statement wall in our home with a message. A makeover with meaning.


EASY ACCESS to all our Projects

Image by Sir. Simo

These projects are undertaken with a very strong intent, which is to make known the truth with hard-hitting, undeniable content that convicts.

Click the first photo on each transition to directly transport yourself to the project.

Our Work

Englassed Vision

Glimpses of our visual work

Navigate and discover our projects and leave with the inspiration for your own lives!

Image by Joel Severino


The views and opinions expressed on this page are solely for informative purposes only. Our articles are our own findings through deep, purposeful and unbiased research, refusing to take what was spoon-fed to us from our childhood days, and we take responsibility for nothing if anyone locates reasons or resemblances to themselves. Our goal is to publish and spread the truth we have come to discover based on our personal experiences and factual research. This website does not personally target any particular person, institution or charter directly. If resemblances are found, it is purely coincidental in nature.

The concentrated intent of this website is to get our beloved readers to think for themselves and chart-out their independent paths.

Any offense taken is purely coincidental, and any references or generically mentioned entity is purely for sound contextual and narrative purposes.

Please read our charter to know everything you should.

our desktop site is even more delectable than the phone experience.

© 2024 by steadfast.thoughts | self-designed and mined

p.s. If you’re an iPhone user, turn off the “low power mode” and refresh our site for the full power of an Explosive experience.

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