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Mr.Can's Antics

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WhatsApp Image 2023-11-29 at 18.29.30_53c1d253.jpg

Mr. & Mrs. CAN

The adventures of Mr. CAN. with his wife Mrs. CAN.

He is a man kicked around by the daily cliché, the hustle and bustle of life. He's tired being tossed around during the week but at the end of every week he finds himself going to the mall where his eyes light up with dreams fueling him to go another week with renewed hope and cheer.

A short write-up about the life of Mr. CAN, an everyman.

You learn to earn
You yearn to earn

The thought provoking limbo of a man

The laughs you miss
The walk of bliss
The mall adventures of Mr. CAN

He gets kicked at work
By Kurt or Dirk
All he needs is a break

He goes to the mall
Laughs with his friends

He's smiling in no time with his chicken steak

He may have not bought the expensive shirt
But he's written it in his List
Mr. CAN won't be kicked around one day
He's going to buy everything he's missed

Through the escalators he goes
It's these illusions he craves
Through the array of stores
The "same—different" path he paves

Mr. CAN thinks he 'Could'
As long as he's in the mall
Mr. CAN entered drooping
But he walked away 10 feet tall.

Retro Video:

Full Word File:

Mr. CAN's Hebrew Birthday Files

My rocket of visions and dreams are not fueled by social media algorithmically-conforming prismed and refined content. But an attempt of a 25-year-old to dig deeper into his spiritual side, giving all worship, glory and gratitude to our Most High God who is awe-striking, awe-inspiring and worthy of worship day in and day out.

Image by Nathana Rebouças



Mazel Tov Chocolate Icecream

Take out the blinds 
Wake up from the slumber 
Don't give in to lies 
The lying spiritual plumber.

Signing up shades 
Of a twisted truth by snakes 
There's more truth in the Bible 
Than chocolate ice cream and cakes. 

A dream and a vision 
Inciting spiritual transition 
Metaphysically discern 
Limited time - the decisive differentiation.


I was going on my way
Expediting my quest for life 
Until you came around 
Meanwhile I took me a wife.

You should've let me gone 
I was merely a thread 
The lightning shall strike you hard 
For trying to toy with my bread.


I'm one with the wilderness 
Guerilla warfare in the jungle of life 
Wrestling you from time to time 
Is second-minded in my life. 

We're free in stride 
With nothing to hide 
We shall worship our Creator in the desert 
In His Torah we fearlessly abide. 

Stay away from my family 
Focus on your own 
You hit me with a brick, 
You will be slung with a stone.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out


Image by Edgar.infocus


Blitzing candle 
Consuming flame 
We're miniature candles 
Subservient to the Omniscient Flame.


Light that glows 
Needs to embrace darkness 
We're candle lights in the gloom
Eccentuating this vivid starkness.

< watch here

TITLE: Mr. & Mrs. CAN paint their wall

The Shift.

watch now.

We had a home shift. A makeover with meaning.

Our wall work depicts the very real cycle of life. There are downs. Steep lows. Pits. Valleys. 

But there are also excessive and rapid highs. Growth. Blessings.

To cement this thought in our minds always as we face any season of life that comes our way. 

And above all, the Creator is all and is in all. 

I Kings‬ ‭20‬:‭28‬

Then the agent of God approached and spoke to the king of Israel, “Thus said GOD: Because the Arameans have said, ‘HASHEM is a God of mountains—but not a God of lowlands,’ I will deliver that great host into your hands; and you shall know that I am HASHEM.”


The Father is with us in the hills and in the valleys. 

So, even though we walk through our valleys of the shadow of death, He will be with us. And when we sail through the peaks of success, He will hold us up.

Limitless Canvas 

Englassed Vision 
Picturesque transition 
Outdoing my own reflection 
A meticulous creative incision.


Travelling through space 
Truth be told as black & bold
Boundless in cryptic color codes 
Caution - glass can' never fold. 

Life's full of peaks and valleys 
Hills and Dales
Happy portion mixed with sorrow 
Never a flatline on Torah rails.

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